Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
2 Jan 18 '23 ara>eng س ع ٍS. J. pro closed no
- Aug 1 '22 eng>ara prescribed company regulations 2019 أنظمة الشركات المنصوص عليها لسنة 2019 pro closed ok
- Jul 25 '22 eng>ara interference and insertion التوسط والتدخل pro closed no
- Dec 30 '21 ara>eng كفالات اعتبارية Legal bonds pro closed ok
- Jul 28 '21 eng>ara مسلكي Prequalification pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '21 ara>eng مساطر Pattern / sample pro closed no
- Jul 22 '21 eng>ara outreach الجهود المضنية pro closed ok
- Jul 13 '21 ara>eng المجلس session pro closed ok
4 Dec 7 '20 ara>eng تلاقي ايجاب بقبول offer / proposal and acceptance pro closed ok
- Nov 25 '20 ara>eng خرج عن حدود اتفاق صحيح derogated form valid agreement pro closed no
- Nov 22 '20 ara>eng بالنظر بصفة ابتدائية primarily jurisdiction to consider pro closed no
- Nov 22 '20 eng>ara breach panel meeting انتهاك / مخالفة اجتماع الهيئة pro open no
4 Nov 1 '20 eng>ara Misdemeanor Warrant مذكرة اعتقال بسبب جنحة pro closed ok
4 Oct 15 '20 ara>eng مراعاة للآداب أو لحرمة الأسرة In consideration of morals or for family sanctity pro closed no
- Oct 13 '20 ara>eng السهو العرضي accidental omission pro closed no
- Oct 13 '20 ara>eng تعهد عدلي Notarized Undertaking pro closed no
- Oct 8 '20 ara>eng لمحضر الجلسة قوة الورقة الرسمية This proceedings shall be operated as an official paper pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '20 eng>ara Attorney of Trustee محامي وكيل الشركة pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '20 eng>ara “Sell,” “selling,” “sale,” or “sold,” عبارة "يبيع" أو "يباشر البيع" أو "يعرض للبيع" أو ينهي إجراءات البيع" تعني pro just_closed no
- Jul 19 '20 ara>eng والتدقيق في أوراقهم الثبوتية، review / examination of their credentials pro closed ok
- Jun 12 '20 ara>eng حضر لدى شهيديه both witnesses for the husband and wife before me appeared pro closed ok
- May 30 '20 ara>eng ولاية قضاء الإلغاء والتعويض abatement and damages ruling jurisdiction pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '20 ara>eng استيفاء الخطوات التوضيحية fulfilled the explanatory / illustrative steps pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '20 ara>eng قيد التبليغ action service of process is pending pro closed ok
4 Feb 23 '20 ara>eng تعرض الأوراق للتصرف papers are put / presented for consideration easy closed no
- Feb 17 '20 ara>eng حفظ المادة dismiss the action easy closed no
- Feb 15 '20 eng>ara No endorsement is inferred ولا يستشف منها أية موافقة pro closed no
- Feb 12 '20 ara>eng عنبر Dormitory pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '20 eng>ara interim relief proceedings إجراءات قضائية طلباً لتعويضات مؤقتة pro open no
- Feb 11 '20 ara>eng التعقيب جار comment is underway pro closed no
- Jan 30 '20 ara>eng Warm Shell التدفئة في هيكل المبنى pro open no
- Jan 30 '20 ara>eng تصوير story / description easy closed no
4 Jan 30 '20 eng>ara constitute one instrument تمثل / تشكل نفس المستند الواحد pro closed no
- Jan 22 '20 ara>eng مسئولية المتبوع عن عمل التابع bear the sponsor-employee responsibility for their acts pro just_closed no
- Jan 22 '20 ara>eng المعتمديات والعمادات Towns and villages easy just_closed no
- Jan 21 '20 ara>eng المحكوم ضده convicted person pro closed no
- Jan 21 '20 ara>eng معرّف The subject person pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '20 ara>eng حكم ابتدائي Interlocutory judgement pro closed ok
4 Jan 16 '20 ara>eng وارد الدائرة Department / Circuit inward record pro closed no
- Dec 11 '19 ara>eng بطلان الحكم لتناقض الأسباب والمنطوق Null judgment for inconsistence of causes and ruling pronouncement pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '19 ara>eng حفظ الدعوى Case closing pro closed ok
4 Dec 8 '19 eng>ara proscribed integrated Full Mission Profile (FMP) التمارين المقررة لاستعراض التفاصيل المتكاملة للمهمة برمتها pro closed ok
4 Dec 8 '19 ara>eng proscribed capability needs احتياجات الكفاءة / الأهلية المقررة pro closed ok
- Dec 4 '19 eng>ara Trim استقرارهم في الماء pro closed no
4 Dec 1 '19 ara>eng تتحفظ have reservations pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '19 ara>eng ان تقدم بذلك if any pro closed ok
4 Nov 17 '19 ara>eng المنفذ ضدها Respondent pro closed no
- Nov 9 '19 ara>eng تحمل عبأ تربية الأبناء ومصاريفهم endure children raising and expenses pro just_closed no
- Nov 8 '19 ara>eng اعتداءات لا يمكن حصرها countless assaults pro just_closed no
- Oct 25 '19 eng>ara writ and warrant أمر تبليغ واستدعاء pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered