Nov 11, 2001 07:04
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


Non-PRO English to Romanian Science
The gasoline fraction of erude petroleum contains paraffins with 4 to 11 carbon atoms, the kerosene fraction, to 9 to 16 carbons; gas oil those having 15-25 carbons and the lubricating-oil fraction including paraffins wax, the higher members.

Proposed translations

28 mins

gaz lampant

I hope it helps.
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3 hrs


that's the way i know it
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4 hrs

Petrol lampant

This is the first definition given in the "Dictionar de chimie si industrie chimica englez-roman", Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1999. The second definition is "Kerosen".
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6 hrs


Sunt perfect de acord cu petrol lampant ("gaz"). Totusi, kerosenul este combustibilul cu care merg avioanele cu reactie. "Gazul", sau petrolul lampant, sunt formele de circulatie limitata (locala, in Romania si in copilaria mea).
Acum... Turnurile de la WTC s-au prabusit din cauza incendiului produs de kerosenul din avioane.
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60 days


acesta este termenul popular folosit pentru a denumi combustibilul usor folosit de avioane.
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