Mar 27, 2018 07:46
6 yrs ago
14 viewers *
English term


English to French Bus/Financial Finance (general)
je traduis un document financier relatif à la transparence et à la protection des risques.
Voici le passage :

Remediation of Postal Delivery : re timely confirmation of OTC derivatives trades under the XXX Act
Information for XXX Client Advisors and central outreach teams

Je ne comprends pas le début.


Francis Marche Apr 4, 2018:
Peut-être "recours" en cas de défaillance dans les livraisons par voie postale. Je mettrais "Recours livraisons par la poste" si le contexte ne permet pas de trancher.
AllegroTrans Mar 29, 2018:
Asker Can you help us please?
AllegroTrans Mar 28, 2018:
Asker Is there some text missing?
Valérie Ourset Mar 28, 2018:
It can be used in many contexts I also saw this term in banking, compliance or quality/complaint context. Here, it is a bit odd. It looks as if part of the text is missing...
B D Finch Mar 27, 2018:
Odd Remediation is a term usually found in the context of pollution, where it means getting rid of pollution and remedying any effects of pollution.
AllegroTrans Mar 27, 2018:
Remediation of Postal Delivery makes zero sense to me. For one there is no google hit (other than this question) and the rest of the text provided doesn't help in discerning what this is about.

Proposed translations

19 mins

Compensation ou reparation

Je le comprends ainsi: les contrats doivent être livrés/reçus dans certains délais et selon la loi xxx. S'il y a retard, il doit y avoir compensation... mais je ne suis pas sûre...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Francis Marche : vous employez "compensation" dans le sens de dédommagement ?
8 days
Something went wrong...
2 hrs


Puisque on parle de livraison opportune et à temps, je crois penser au mot "rattrapage" pour respecter les délais de livraison.
Something went wrong...
2 days 8 hrs

actions / mesures correctives

Je ne crois pas qu'il s'agisse de compensation (Remediation OF... ) mais bien de modifications pour corriger des lacunes (retards dans la confirmation et la livraison des documents).
Deloitte helps organizations anticipate and adapt to changes in the regulatory environment, and build better programs and controls to address the wide variety of regulations and regulatory risks. We work with clients and regulators on effective remediation in response to compliance events.
Avoid Costly Remediation, Penalties and Reputational Risk. Rising regulatory scrutiny on compliance risk management is increasing the frequency of costly remediation, reputational damage and financial penalties.
The World Bank mitigates penalties by 50 percent or more for implementation of remediation and corrective measures to an organization's compliance program.
f... implement appropriate corrective measures, including remediation to consumers as appropriate.
Jul 12, 2011 - is a commitment to treating customers fairly, supporting them in times of financial. difficulty, and providing .... to be taken with respect to the FRB Order; and (0) require corrective action (including possible financial remediation)

Something went wrong...