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Mar 22, 2007 08:18
17 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

Eventual blood conserve

English to Arabic Medical Medical: Health Care Hospital's Price List
a word mentioned in many services

Eventual intermediate care
Eventual additional costs
Eventual blood conserve

Is it the same in all sentences

Proposed translations

1 hr

العلاج التحفظى لدم المريض كحل نهائي - اى المحافظة على نسبة دم المريض

eventual blood conserve = blood conserve as a final solution for the problem of blood shortage and lacke of donners numbers .

Note added at 1 hr (2007-03-22 09:41:30 GMT)

Blood Conservation Techniques
Blood conservation uses a number of unique techniques during medical and surgical procedures to either control bleeding or promote the growth of new red blood cells. The goal is to conserve or retain enough of a patient's own blood to reduce or eliminate the need for a blood transfusion.
Blood conservation techniques include vitamins, iron enhancers, medications that expand blood, micro-sampling and surgical procedures such as the advanced cell saver system, which re-circulates blood and electrocautery, a surgical technique that uses heat to stop bleeding. Blood Conservation medicine can be used in the treatment of a wide range of specialties including cardiology, gynecology, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, hematology, ophthalmology, urology, vascular medicine, general surgery and internal medicine.
Of the 150 Blood Conservation centers in the United States, few have as comprehensive a program as The Regional Center for Blood Conservation at St. Vincent Charity Hospital. Started in 1994, the Center currently manages the blood conservation of more than 1,200 patients annually and has attracted patients from as far away as Alaska.
St. Vincent Charity Hospital is a 480-bed, full-service inpatient and outpatient healthcare center dedicated to its mission of providing quality, Catholic healthcare. Located at 2351 East 22nd Street, the Hospital has served the Greater Cleveland community for nearly 137 years. St. Vincent Charity Hospital is owned by a partnership between the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine Health System and University Hospitals Health System. The partnership also includes Saint Luke's Medical Center and the Solon Medical Campus. To learn more, visit our Web site at

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بعد انتشار مرض جنون البقر والتهاب المخ السحائى 00 تم اعدام نسب كبيرة من اكياس الدم بالولايات المتحدة من تم التفكير فى فكرة العلاج التحفظى لدم المريض ومحاولة تقليل نسبة النزيف بقدر الامكان اثر العمليات الجراحية وذلك لتفادى فرصة احتمال نقل دم للمريض 00 كما لجات المستشفيات بامريكا لفكرة المحافظة على دم المريض كحل نهائى للتعويض عن التبرع بالدم ويتضح ذلك من خلال الفقرة الموضحة اعلاه باللغة الانجليزيه<div/>

Note added at 1 hr (2007-03-22 10:01:44 GMT)

Referance to confidence : I'm very sure >
sorry for this confidence mistake .
Example sentence:

eventual = final

Peer comment(s):

agree Amir Kamel
1 day 1 hr
Thanks so much ,my dear
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6 days

(المحافظة القصوى على دم المريض( بالسيطرة على النزف أثناء الجراحة

لتفادي مشاكل نقل الدم الذاتي أو المغاير

St.Vincent Greatly Reduces Need for Blood for Joint Patients

Since blood transfusions can be risky and blood supplies are limited, St.Vincent has been developing blood conservation techniques for years. Individuals who have total hip or knee replacements may sometimes experience substantial blood loss. However, surgeons with the St.Vincent Center for Joint Replacement have developed a very successful strategy for blood conservation that has produced excellent patient results.

Since the 1980s, the most common strategy for conserving blood in total joint replacement patients was the use of predonated blood. Predonation of “autologous blood” is the practice of having patients donate their own blood before surgery. This often requires several trips for sufficient volume of blood to be collected.

Peer comment(s):

agree Amira Abdallah
216 days
Many thanks Dear
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