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Sep 11, 2011 18:48
13 yrs ago
English term

supports water service detail essential DPS

English to Italian Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering
in un contratto relativo ad una gara di appalto, parlando dei lavori che si dovranno effettuare in alcuni siti, trovo:
"Change the anchoring system of piping supports as per document n...... rev. 02 dated .... "Supports water service detail essential DPS 3.32". The support fixing is required through chemical anchors..."
non riesco a capirne il significato.
qualche idea?

Reference comments

23 mins

ciao Marika,
questo è quanto ho trovato, credo che sia sufficiente per fare ulteriori ricerche in italiano


What is a Chemical Anchor?

chemical or resin anchors are generic terms relating to steel studs, bolts and anchorages which are bonded into a substrate, usually masonry and concrete, using a resin based adhesive system. Ideally suited for high load applications, in virtually all cases the resulting bond is stronger than the base material itself and as the system is based on chemical adhesion, no load stress is imparted to the base material as with expansion type anchors and are therefore ideal for close to edge fixing, reduced center and group anchoring and use in concrete of unknown quality or low compressive strength. Although there are many differing variations and delivery systems in the market, all systems operate using the same basic principle with the base resin, requiring the introduction, by mixing, of a second component to begin the chemical curing process, hence the term chemical anchor.

why choose resicon ?

although all chemical anchor systems operate on the same basic principles there are many differing blend formulations, chemical components and delivery systems designed for specific performance criteria in various applications. the resicon range has been specifically developed for use in the construction and civil engineering industries where consistent high load performance is a pre-requisite.

manufactured to ISO 9001 standards resicon is sold worldwide and is regularly specified by architects and structural engineers for load critical applications and high profile domestic and international projects. the range comprises several resin types in differing delivery systems to suit variable site applications. Our formulations are designed to provide a high strength bond and fast cure in concrete, rock, stone and masonry and all our detailed test and load data for each resin has and continues to be determined by ongoing detailed independent laboratory testing. We are also the first major producer of high performance chemical anchor systems, under the resicon brand, to offer environmental and operator friendly styrene free and low odour products as standard across the full range and our material safety data sheets are available for immediate download or by conventional methods on request. to learn more about the harmful effects of styrene

Note added at 25 min (2011-09-11 19:14:25 GMT)

scusa, ho completamente frainteso la tua domanda :-(

Note added at 38 min (2011-09-11 19:26:48 GMT)

a meno che non si riferiscano a quanto riportato qui (pag 31)
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