May 26, 2003 21:46
21 yrs ago
10 viewers *
English term

raise the bar

English to Portuguese Bus/Financial
We must work together to constantly raise the bar in order to further reduce our environmental footprint

Proposed translations

9 mins

elevar os padrões

Peer comment(s):

agree airmailrpl
12 hrs
agree Eliane Rio Branco
14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "perfeito, Gino. tks. pensei mesmo em elevar o nível. bj Izabel"
3 mins

ser más exigentes


Note added at 2003-05-26 21:54:12 (GMT)

As you can see, the title of this article is \"Raise the Bar\"

• Overview
• Introduction
• Identification of
• Monitoring &
• Qualitative Goals
• Quantitative



To Achieve Gender Equity In Youth Sports

Start them early. It\'s important for girls to become involved in sports at an early age. A University of Virginia study showed that if a girls does not participate in sports by the age of 10, there is only a 10% chance that she will be physically active when she is 25. But how do you get her interested in sports and keep them interested?

There is more to sports than fitness and competition; there is also the fun of participating. Many girls say that \"fun\" is their primary motivation for being active.

To achieve gender equality, in this case, means \"to be more demanding\"

Note added at 2003-05-26 22:00:44 (GMT) Post-grading

Obviously the analogy comes from the high jump in track, in which the bar is raised to new heights after each successful jump. Note this next article from the Internet. Pay particular attention to the second paragraph where it starts \"Raise the bar.\" Note how this paragraph ends.

Raise the Bar on your Career

by Gordon Miller

This is a hard one for a lot of us. Seems like we always want to be somebody special, famous, larger-than-life, a move star, rock star, or sports star. The truth is that we all have the ability to be somebody greater than who we are today. For twenty-five years I thought of myself as a sales manager or general manager type. It didn’t occur to me that I could be anything else. Why should it? I had talent for that kind of work, and enjoyed success in those arenas. But once I became comfortable with the idea that I didn’t have to do sales, in fact, I could branch out into something totally different and exciting, the barrier that I had set up began tumbling down. (Take note: the barriers were those I had set up.) No, I didn’t become a rock star (because I can’t sing and I quit taking piano lessons when I was seven), or a basketball star (I’d need a tall ladder to be able to dunk), but I did become an author and a career coach. And I’ve never been happier.

Raise the bar. Decide that you’re going to be somebody, do something different, engage life in a different way, expect more of yourself. You don’t have to accept mediocrity. A great line in Richard Bach’s Illusions says, “Argue for your limitations and they’re yours.” You don’t have to be a checker in a grocer store (unless you want to be ---and that’s fine, too.) Aim high---you probably won’t become a bank president next week, but if you raise that bar a bit at a time, you’ll be surprised at how high you can jump.

The analogy is clear, although in this case it is with a career.
Peer comment(s):

agree Maribel Cascão
1 min
gracias, Maribel :)
agree Ricardo Fonseca : ok, percebe-se a ideia mas é "mais"
3 mins
obrigado, Ricardo :)
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12 hrs

elevar a fasquia

Deriva do salto em altura, em q. à medida q. o atleta vai passando por cima a fasquia vai sendo elevada.
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