Jan 14, 2003 20:13
21 yrs ago
Russian term


Russian to English Tech/Engineering meteorology
I know that many dictionaries say that флюгер is a wind sock (рукавный флюгер) or wind vane, but these devices are used to determine wind direction. In the document that I am translating, флюгер is used to measure wind speed. Словарь иностранных слов и выражений says ФЛЮГЕР - прибор для определения направления и скорости ветра, состоящий из металлической пластинки (флюгарки), поворачивающийся вокруг вертикальной оси по направлению ветра. This sound a lot like an anemometer to me. But the document specifically contrasts measurements made with флюгер and anemometer. So I am a little bit confused.


Vera Fluhr (X) Jan 14, 2003:
Look:"Wind instruments", (wind cock/vane measures wind direction)
Igor Kreknin Jan 14, 2003:
No satellite technology :) See below :) Jan 14, 2003:
measuring instruments Instruments that measure wind direction:

1) wind vane (arrow points in the direction from which the wind is blowing);

2) wind sock (socks points in the direction that the wind is blowing);

3) aerovane (same as wind vane);

4) radar (tracks the motion of particles away from and toward the radar);

5) satellite tracking (the speed of individual cloud elements are computed and displayed);

6) rawinsonde measurements (equipment tracks the radio signal of the balloon and determines the movement of the radiosonde due to air motion).

Instruments that measure wind speed:

1) anemometer (the cups rotate at a rate proportional to the wind speed);

2) aerovane (the bladed propeller rotates at a rate that is proportional to the wind speed);

3) radar (tracks the speed of particles away from and toward the radar);

4) satellite tracking (the motion of individual cloud elements are computed and displayed);

5) rawinsonde measurements (equipment tracks the radio signal of the balloon and determines the drift of the radiosonde due to air motion).

Proposed translations

4 hrs

(Vild's) weathercock; anemometer; aerovane; wind cock

In Russian language, Флюгер means the device which turns in dependence of wind direction. Please look the references below, and also the references in my previous answer (above), and you will understand why I wrote the first three terms in the header.

However, as you can see in my references above, sometimes weathercocks and wind cocks also have additional devices to measure wind speed. That's I kept this terminology in my answer bacause we don't know which type od device is described in the Asker's text.


Wind Instruments :
In-situ measurements
* only measure wind direction
* 3 hemispheric cups spinning on a shaft
* only measures wind speed from the spinning rate;
* looks like a miniature airplane with a 4-bladed propeller but no wings
* measures both direction & speed ;

Wind measurements until 1970s were measured mainly by Vild's weathercock. It was placed in a meteorological ground at 8 - 10 m over surface. In present the wind measurements are made by anemometers that are more sensible to small wind speed. The anemometer averages wind speed for ten minutes when Vild's weathercock averages speed for two minutes. Based on simultaneous measurements, the correction of observed data was done. Errors of wind speed measurements are plus/minus 0.25 m/sec during wind speed up to 20 m/sec, plus/minus1.0 m/sec during wind speed from 20 to 28 m/sec, and 1.5 m/sec during wind speed from 28 to 40 m/sec. Observations of wind directions at eight compass points are made. The main climatic characteristics of wind speed are maximum speed and frequency of different ranges of wind speed per day, month, year.

....speed for ten minutes when Vild's weathercock averages speed ... frequency of different ranges of wind speed per day ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I agree that флюгер is a weather vane or weather cock (the same thing), but a weather vane only indicates wind direction. So, in order to measure wind speed there must be some other attachment or device on the vane. I am sure that the reference to Vild's (or Wild's as Jack says) weathercock in Central Asia is talking about the same instrument as in my document (Sakhalin), but unfortunately this name seems too obscure to convey any meaning. So I will just say "weather vane" and leave the reader of the translation to wonder how a vane can measure wind speed. Surely he or she will not spend nearly as much time trying to figure out this puzzle as I have. Thanks to everyone!"
8 mins

weather vane / wind vane

A weather vane is also called a wind vane. It is a tool for measuring wind direction. It spins on a rod and points in the direction from which the wind comes.

Note added at 2003-01-14 20:25:22 (GMT)

Прибор, помогающий определить скорость ветра
(анемометр) и направление ветра (флюгер).
Это разные приборы.
Но анемометр может быть установлен где-то на флюгере.
Флюгер измеряет направление ветра.

Note added at 2003-01-14 20:32:20 (GMT)

But a dictionary say that weather vanes can measure wind velocities ALSO.
But I guess (or I am sure) it\'s not their (weather vanes\') main function.*Mlxyt:l!ilyw...
От греч.Anemos - ветер + Metreo - измеряю
Анемометр - прибор ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ СКОРОСТИ ВЕТРА и газовых потоков по числу оборотов вращающейся под действием ветра вертушки. Существуют анемометры разных типов: ручные и постоянно закрепленные на мачтах и др.

От голл.Vleugel - крыло
Флюгер - прибор для определения НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ И СКОРОСТИ ВЕТРА.
На вертикальной оси флюгера расположен металлический флажок, поворачивающийся под воздействием ветра. Противовес флажка направлен в сторону, откуда дует ветер, направление ветра читается по горизонтальным штифтам, ориентированным по восьми румбам.
На флюгере перпендикулярно направлению ветра укреплена свободно качающаяся металлическая дощечка, по углу отклонения которой от вертикали с помощью специальной таблицы можно определить силу ветра. Флюгер устанавливается на высоте 8-10 м.

Note added at 2003-01-14 20:33:26 (GMT)

> ...can measure wind velocities ALSO.
I mean - in addition.

Note added at 2003-01-14 20:35:46 (GMT)

На флюгере перпендикулярно направлению ветра укреплена свободно качающаяся металлическая дощечка, по углу отклонения которой от вертикали с помощью специальной таблицы можно определить силу ветра.

Note added at 2003-01-14 21:10:44 (GMT)

Two principles to measure wind speeds by means of wind vanes:
1) A three-cup anemometer and wind vane assembly

2) The principle (only!)
(capitalized by me)

To make an anemometer you will need:
i) a table-tennis ball,
ii) some fishing line or similar nylon cord

Thread the table-tennis ball onto the fishing line. Suspend this from the centre of the protractor so that it can swing freely. The fishing line should hang down the 90-degree line on the protractor. An indication of the WIND SPEED WILL BE GIVEN BY THE ANGLE shown on the PROTRACTOR when the instrument is held in the air.

And this \'unit\' can be on a wind vane.

Note added at 2003-01-14 22:11:09 (GMT)

> Instruments that measure wind speed:
6) _Пластина_ НА ФЛЮГЕРЕ, которая отклоняется ветром.
Измеряется угол отклонения.
При помощи таблицы (угол отклонения - скорость ветра) определяется СКОРОСТЬ ВЕТРА.

No satellite technology :)

Note added at 2003-01-14 22:12:53 (GMT)

Пластина перемещается не в горизонтальной плоскости (как флюгер), а вертикально.
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11 mins

wind direction indicator/ anamoscope

I found them in

Note added at 2003-01-15 05:19:22 (GMT)

anEmoscope, of course. Sorry.
Peer comment(s):

agree Olga Demiryurek : anEmoscope только. Arrow vane type direction of the
1 hr
Thank you
agree Alexandra Tussing : anemoscope
5 hrs
Thank you
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26 mins


Some dictionaries give this variant also.
Something went wrong...
29 mins

Wind cock; weathercock, (weather) cock,

Just another variant
Very often, it is really a "cock".
I want to say: the part which turns looks like a cock or another bird. It turns and shows the direction of the wind.
Sometimes it looks like a ship, or Sana-Klaus, or another image. Sometimes it is a simple mettalic arrow.
But in all these cases it is called
Wind/weather cock

Note added at 2003-01-14 20:51:40 (GMT)


... in Pictures of the Floating World under its new title, \"The Weather-Cock Points South ...
Local Wind systems - Lecture 27. Wind Instruments : In-situ measurements
Wind vane, wind cock ;
* only measure wind direction; ...

... The Weather-Cock. Said the weather-cock to the wind, \"How tedious and monotonous you are! Can you not blow any other way but in my face? ...

Note added at 2003-01-14 22:07:38 (GMT)

WIND COCK also measures wind direction, please look at my references above

More references:

... There was a slight wind cock, not more than 5 degrees. Due to the wind the apogee ejection was at a high velocity zippering 18 inches of fiberglassed airframe. ...


The Weather Cock
Weather cocks are put on the roofs of houses to show which way the wind is blowing. Although weather cocks can be of any design, most weather cocks used to have cockerels on them.....

Note added at 2003-01-15 00:31:28 (GMT)

There exists also so-called Vild\'s weathercock, it measures speed:

... speed for ten minutes when Vild\'s weathercock averages speed ... frequency of different ranges of wind speed per day ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Sergey Strakhov
1 hr
Thank you, Sergey
agree Jack Doughty : When you say it looks like a cock, it might be better to say "cockerel" to avoid ambiguity.
1 hr
Yes, Jack, please look at my reference above:
neutral Igor Kreknin : По-моему, Аскер сказал, что у него флюгер измеряет скорость (is used to measure wind speed), и просил объяснить каким образом флюгер может измерять СКОРОСТЬ ветра? Или мне это показалось? Спасибо.
2 hrs
Ну Вы же сами это объяснили, зачем Вы спрашиваете? Посмотрите мою ссылку , там явно речь идет об измерении скорости
agree Alexandra Tussing
5 hrs
Thank you, Rusinterp
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1 hr

anemovane (?)

There is an anemovane, which is a contact anemometer and wind vane.
Also, Wild('s pressure plate) anemometer is called flyuger Vil'da.
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