Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Der Kathodensteckplatz wird mit den Objekten belegt

English translation:

The dental objects are inserted at the cathode position

Added to glossary by Rowan Morrell
Jun 23, 2004 03:14
20 yrs ago
German term

belegen (here)

German to English Tech/Engineering Medical: Dentistry Electroforming/Electroplating Unit
"Die ermittelten Oberflächen werden im Display auf ***nummerierte Plätze*** eingegeben. Das Programm ermittelt automatisch die einzustellende Stromstärke, abhänging von der Fläche des jeweiligen Stumpfes sowie der gewünschten Schichtstärke, die einzeln einstellbar ist. Es wird ebenfalls automatisch die genaue Menge des benötigten Goldbades und die Menge des Glanzzusatzes errechnet. Das Display zeigt ebenfalls an, welches der beiden Bechergläser verwendet werden muß.

"Der Kathodensteckplatz wird ***mit den Objekten belegt***."

Text about a dental electroforming or electroplating unit. I'm not quite sure what "belegen" means here. Suspect it's allocate or assign, but does the "mit" mean with or to in that case? TIA for your help.

Discussion Jun 23, 2004:
Sorry about the asterisks for "nummierte Pl�tze" They related to my previous question. Forgot to delete them.

Proposed translations

4 hrs


Turn it the other way round - Objects (or whatever you call them) are inserted at the cathode position.

As I am sure you know, the cathode is the negative electrode in the electroplating* process. For the objects to be plated, a conductive connection between cathode and object(s) is required. Hence, the objects need to placed their. As a literal translation, the cathode position is filled with objects, but this sounds funny to my (non-native) ears.

*not supposed to be a comment on your electroplating/electroforming question)
Peer comment(s):

agree Elvira Stoianov : so many hours after posting and then he beats me by a few minutes and phrases it more elegantly :-D
7 mins
Sorry 'bout that :-)
agree RNolder (X)
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Excellent suggestion and explanation - thanks Klaus! Commiserations to Elvira, and thanks to the others who offered an idea."
9 mins

filled with, inserted with

Just an idea : a belegtes Broetchen is a sandwich, and einen Kurs belegen is to take/follow a course (to intergrate into one)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Robert Schlarb : Why do you answer with 100% certainty if you have "just an idea"? Otherwise you mislead the asker and render the rating system worthless. If you don't like the system, you don't have to participate in the forum.
3 hrs
Bei allem Respect bin ich neu hier... Verzeihen.
neutral Steffen Walter : I beg to slightly differ re. your added comment - the point Robert was trying to drive home is that you should use the confidence bar consciously in the first place in order to facilitate the asker's judgment.
3 hrs
sorry then, im new
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3 hrs

supplied or assigned to

This is really just a guess because it all depends on the meaning of "Kathodensteckplatz" and "Objekte".
If the objects are the values or variables previously listed (i.e. programming objects) and the Kathodensteckplatz (cathode slot card?)is a (memory?) device for inputting data, then it is conceivable that the data objects are inputted (or less likely: entered) by way of the K.
Hence you might say: "the K. is supplied with the objects (listed above" or even "assigned to", as you yourself suggested, considering that this term is used when talking about variables and registers.
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4 hrs


I would translate it as:

The objects are placed in the cathode slot (or what it's called).
Place the objects ...

Basically you have to insert the objects you are going to plate in the unit, and the plating occurs at the catodes. So "belegt" here is rather more a form of "lay, place", in my opinion and objects refers to the things you are going to plate.
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