Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Stafilococo aureus

English translation:

Staphylococcus aureus

Added to glossary by Simon Critchley
Oct 4, 2004 23:31
19 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term

Stafilococo aureus

Homework / test Spanish to English Other Medical (general) Nutrition
food based infection
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 Staphylococcus aureus
5 Estafilococo aureus

Proposed translations

8 mins

Staphylococcus aureus

A common micro-organism, some strains of which are seriously problematic in clinical practice.
Peer comment(s):

agree sktrans
2 hrs
Thank you, sktrans!
agree Muriel Vasconcellos
3 hrs
Gracias, Muriel!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
6 mins

Estafilococo aureus

MedlinePlus Enciclopedia Médica: Traqueítis - [ Translate this page ]
... La traqueítis bacteriana suele ser causada en su mayor parte por el estafilococo
aureus y tiende a aparecer después de una reciente infección viral de las ... spanish/ency/article/000988.htm - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

Infecciones bacterianas - [ Translate this page ]
... Estafilococo Aureus : 38 % Meticilino Sensible : 65 %. Meticilino Resistente : 35 %. ...
Septicemia Estrept.Grupo B Estafilococo aureus. E. Coli Enterobacterias. ... - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

Centro de Información sobre Seguridad Infantil - [ Translate this page ]
... días o más. Prevención. La diseminación del estafilococo aureus se puede
prevenir y controlar adoptando las siguientes medidas: ... food_safety/ency/staph/staphylococcus.htm - 45k - 2 Oct 2004 - Cached - Similar pages

Seminario II. INFECCIONES BACTERIANAS Y VÍRICAS - [ Translate this page ]
... verano. En el 50% de los casos el impétigo es mixto ya que se aisla
simultánemente estafilococo aureus en las lesiones. Entre ... DermatoAsignaturaWeb/CDRom99/sem2/temas/dcha.htm - 78k - Cached - Similar pages

Oftalmología Santa Lucía (La Revista del Santa) - [ Translate this page ]
... Resultados Los gérmenes presentes en el cuerpo extraño fueron los siguientes: 38
Estafilococo Epidermidis, 3 Estafilococo Aureus, 2 Pseudomona Aeruginosa, y ... osl/osl05/germenes_asociados.htm - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

OFICIO No 5438 - [ Translate this page ]
Estafilococo Aureus. OFICIO No 5438/04. RC - Tratado 44/01/04. ... Tanto a nivel hospitalario
como en la comunidad, ocurren infecciones por Estafilococo Aureus (SA). ... estafilococos%20aureos.htm - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... la piel causada por una bacteria resistente a varios antibióticos, los cuales comúnmente
pueden matar las bacterias, llamada Estafilococo Aureus Resistente a ... - Similar pages

Anales de Medicina Interna - Paciente con poliartritis s ica y ... - [ Translate this page ]
... Cartas al Director. Paciente con poliartritis séptica y osteomielitis multifocal
por diseminación hematógena de Estafilococo aureus Sr. Director: ... scielo.php?pid=S0212-71992003001000013&script=sci_arttext&tlng=es - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

Programa Universidad Virtual - Dermatología - [ Translate this page ]
... se clasifica en vulgar y ampollar; el impetigo vulgar es producido por el estreptococo
Ao concomitantemente estar asociado al estafilococo aureus. ... medicina/59327/lecciones/cap2/cap2-112.htm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

AMIGDALITIS ETIOLOGÍA - [ Translate this page ]
... Es productor de betalactamasas. - Estafilococo aureus. Es productor de betalactamasas. ...
Mycoplama hominis. - Hemophilus influenzae. - Estafilococo aureus. Virus. ... temas/48amigda/etiologia_3.htm - 37k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 10 mins (2004-10-04 23:41:56 GMT)

Staphylococcus aureus in ENGLISH

staphylococcus (stãf\'ələkŏk\'əs) , any of the pathogenic bacteria, parasitic to humans, that belong to the genus Staphylococcus. The spherical bacterial cells (cocci) typically occur in irregular clusters [Gr. staphyle=bunch of grapes]. The term staphylococcus is also sometimes used loosely for the cluster arrangement itself and, broadly, for any bacteria with such a growth pattern. The pigments produced by staphylococci are the basis of the names given to the various strains—those with colors ranging from orange to yellow are designated S. aureus; white strains are known as S. albus.
Staphylococci cause abscesses, boils, and other infections of the skin, such as impetigo. They can also produce infection in any organ of the body (e.g., staphylococcal pneumonia of the lungs). The most common form of food poisoning is brought on by staphylococcus-contaminated food. The staphylococcus organisms also generate toxins and enzymes that can destroy both red and white blood cells.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Muriel Vasconcellos : The asker is looking for the translation into English.
3 hrs
It didn't look like that when I saw it, as in Spanish it is more common to say Estafilococo, but I DID provide the answer in an addendum below. The problem is that nobody seems to bother reading them.
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