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Mar 6, 2008 06:13
16 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

Non Dealing Desk

English to Indonesian Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) Foreign Exchange
Jenis platform perdagangan valas. Enaknya diterjemahkan apa ya? Semoga ada yang bisa membantu.

Proposed translations

1 hr

tempat transaksi (valas) langsung

Di pautan pertama:
Kalau dia broker betulan (broker=pialang, bukan pedagang), maka setiap order yang diterima dilempar ke pedagang besar (bank atau institusi finasial lain). Maka dalam hal ini dia biasanya tidak terima untung dari spread, tapi minta komisi, karena keuntungan beda spread diambil sama si pedagang. Jadi suka diistilahkan non-dealing desk. Broker disini gak ambil resiko. Trader dan pedagang besar mau rugi/untung dia tetap aman, bebas dari resiko bangkrut.

Di pautan kedua:
As I was saying before, EFX is an ECN type of broker, meaning your trades are directly processed onto the Interbank Market... That's why I always advice trading through a non-dealing desk broker such as EFX because you know for a fact that A) your trade is not filtered or manipulated by any dealing desk and also B) your broker is not trading against you, they simply pass your order along to the Interbank Market.

Sepertinya belum ada padanan baku untuk istilah ini. Saya menyarankan istilah di atas karena pada prinsipnya yang membedakan 'dealing desk' (dd) dan 'non-dealing desk' (ndd) adalah perdagangan/transaksi di ndd langsung ditempatkan ke pasar antarbank/interbank market.
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7 hrs
English term (edited): non-dealing desk

(pialang) akses langsung

Berdasarkan rujukan di bawah ini, saya mengusulkan padanan berikut:
dealing desk broker = pialang akses tak langsung, yaitu pialang yg tidak memberi klien akses langsung ke pasar valas yg sesungguhnya
non-dealing desk broker = pialang akses langsung, yaitu pialang yg memberi klien akses langsung ke pasar valas yg sesungguhnya

1. Forex NDD Broker
No Dealing Desk broker. A Forex NDD does not operate a *dealing desk,* but instead provides a platform where liquidity providers, often banks, send executable prices into the platform. Traders orders are matched to the best available bid/offer.

2. The dealing desk broker, which is the traditional forex broker who has an in-house desk traders to control the fixed spread, even the volatile periods when major news announcements take place. They don't charge a commission on each trade but they make their gains from the bid and ask spread. They facilitate liquidity to their clients by being at the other side of the trade, this creates a somewhat misleading market because in truth the clients' trade never see the real market but only see the brokerage trader's quotes and trades. This can be compared to a poker player is playing directly against the casino house instead of with other players with the player being aware of what is happening.

The non-dealing broker is a new generation of forex brokers where they provide direct access to quote and orders to the real forex market, without a fixed spread. In this case, the trader see the real quotes as is who can see a wide spread during low volume periods, small spread during liquid periods and of course, wild spreads during news announcements. The brokers' earnings come from charging a commission per trade and not from the fix spread.
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7 hrs

tidak melewati meja transaksi

plain deal table -- meja perjanjian/transaksi datar/rata terbuat dari kayu pohon pinus

Note added at 7 hrs (2008-03-06 14:05:30 GMT)

dealing table table&btnG=Te...
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1 day 7 hrs

pialang numpang lewat

Cuma meneruskan transaksi saja. sebagaimana telah diterangkan para penjawab terdahulu.

Lawannya adalah pialang proses, atau kalau konsisten: pialang numpang proses :)

HTH, atau setidaknya mengilhami...
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1 day 22 hrs

broker non-dealing

istilah itu saya temukan di google, kalau mau aman mungkin lebih baik tak usah diterjemahkan jika belum ada padanan kata yang baku tetapi dituliskan definisinya saja
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