Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

standard bearer

Italian translation:

porta bandiera, gonfaloniere, alfiere

Added to glossary by Deb Phillips (X)
Aug 26, 2002 17:02
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

standard bearer/standard bearers

English to Italian Art/Literary
This is an excerpt from an article which I am reading.
Although standard bearer is distinct from flag, I am wondering whether it can be translated in Italian as "bandiera"? As in the 2 paragraphs which follow the English and whether I can translate "bandiera" with "standard bearer" in these contexts? Please comment on the distinction in the three usages of what I feel is an equivalent concept if you don't mind.

There have appeared in the last decade two important and quite contradictory options for the relation of theological ethics and economic science, both of which I judge to be too extreme to be very helpful. They are “opposite” in at least two senses. The first is they are aligned with opinions at opposite ends of the political spectrum, one endorsing a “free market” approach to economic life and the other condemning capitalism and opting for a form of socialism. The second, and more important for our purposes, is that one identifies with and attempts to build bridges between Catholic social thought and “free market” schools of economics, clearly located as standard bearers within mainstream economics. The other dismisses almost all of modern economic science, mainstream and heterodox, and instead makes a radical claim for the primacy of theology over social science.

La caduta del potere temporale della Chiesa, all’epoca, non fu che la bandiera più visibile di questo cambiamento globale; ma non meno radicali furono altri fenomeni, come ad esempio il cedimento progressivo della classe nobile alla classe borghese, o il sorgere del proletariato, o l’inizio, ancora molto lento, dell’alfabetizzazione delle masse.

Anche nella gerarchia le acque non erano calme; oltre alle diverse posizioni di pensiero, vi erano anche vescovi latentemente insofferenti della centralizzazione romana. Anche personalità fedeli e rette, come mons. Gastaldi, esprimevano qualche rimostranza nei confronti di Roma, desiderando maggiore autonomia e potere di governo nella propria diocesi; perciò non vedevano proprio di buon occhio chi, come don Bosco, si assoggettava in modo totale all’autorità di Roma, per di più facendone una bandiera.
Proposed translations (Italian)
4 +2 alfiere
3 sb

Discussion Aug 31, 2002:
Note You are right about �farne� and it means to �make
soothing out of something/or its owns� � like here
�facendone una bandiera� �making it his own standard�.
You can use �being proud of it� but I don�t thing
�proud� goes well with don Bosco.
�bandiera� is �standard� of �flag� not �standard
bearer� which is �porta bandiera� or �gonfaloniere�.
Sites: Aug 26, 2002:
Note I am also curious about whether I can translate the word "bandiera" as "standard bearer".

Proposed translations

4 hrs


Alfiere: Portabandiera. (fig.) Chi per primo propugna e difende una dottrina.

Antesignano: guardia della bandiera; precursore di una dottrina o un sistema di idee.

lo Zingarelli 1999, Zanichelli.

Standard bearer: Alfiere (anche fig.); portabandiera.
Ragazzini. Dizionario inglese italiano.

It seems to me that 'alfiere' is appropriate, the equivalent concept, in both contexts mentioned (the English and the Italian.

Peer comment(s):

agree Enzo Tamagnone
13 hrs
agree Ida DeFlaviis
15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
20 hrs


I do not think you can translate standard bearer with bandiera (see Antonio's answer,).
In the second paragraph, bandiera can be translated with sign "it was the clearest sign of this global change".
In the last paragraph "farne una bandiera" means "to be proud of".
Hope it helps
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