Sep 14, 2000 02:11
24 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term


Non-PRO English to Spanish Other
little flying insects

Proposed translations

20 mins


They are not little flying insects. They are the 'babies' of flies and eat dead bodies!
Good luck!
Peer comment(s):

Yolanda Broad
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1 hr


pocos insectos del vuelo is little flying insects. gusanos is maggots
Peer comment(s):

Yolanda Broad
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2 hrs

cresa, gusano

Maggots are not little flying insects, but the larvae of insects. "Gusano" is a worm of any kind, "cresa" is specifically a larva. If by chance youmean "gnat", that's "mosquito".
Peer comment(s):

Yolanda Broad
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2 hrs

see below

The Oxford diccionary translates indeed "maggot" as "gusano".

Un saludo.
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4 hrs

Hi Anita,

I just want to add as a reference, perhaps, that the Mexicans make an alcoholic beverage called Mezcal (from the agave cactus) which comes with a magot inside. So the label of the bottle says: "MEZCAL con guzano" and the challenge is for the drinker to eat the magot sometime I guess!

Luis Luis
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9 hrs

Larvas, gusanos

The word "gusano" will do in most contexts. If you require a more technical term you better use "larva". Polytechnic Dictionary, F. Beigbeder.
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11 hrs

cresa - gusanillo - gusano - larva

Just so we're clear about the source term, here's a definition:

maggot = 1. the soft limbless larva of dipterous insects, esp the housefly and blowfly, occurring in decaying organic matter. []

Vox had these entries:

maggot = larva, cresa, gusano
maggoty = agusanado/a

EuroDicAutom had these entries:

maggot; grub; immature fly = gusanillo lúpulo [EuroDicAutom]
myiasis; fly maggot disease = miasis lúpulo [EuroDicAutom]
hop midge; hop strig maggot; hop strig midge = cecidomia del lúpulo

These definitions are taken from the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española:

cresa = 2. Larva de ciertos dípteros, que se alimenta principalmente de materias orgánicas en descomposición.

gusanillo = d. de gusano

gusano = nombre vulgar de las larvas vermiformes de muchos insectos, como algunas moscas y coleópteros, y las orugas de los lepidópteros. 2. En el uso corriente, lombriz. 3. En la lengua popular, oruga, larva. [. . .] 5. Zool. Nombre común que se aplica a animales metazoos, invertebrados, de vida libre o parásitos, de cuerpo blando, segmentado o no y ápodo.

gusarapo = Cualquiera de los diferentes animalejos, de forma de gusanos, que se crían en los líquidos.

larva = Zool. Animal en estado de desarrollo, cuando ha abandonado las cubiertas del huevo y es capaz de nutrirse por sí mismo, pero aún no ha adquirido la forma y la organización propia de los adultos de su especie.

All of these would seem to point to "cresa" as first choice, although the EuroDicAutom entries suggest other options in different contexts...

Good luck!

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