Oct 25, 2007 21:25
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term


French to English Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama filming

J’imagine une image qui soit le plus souvent possible très proche des comédiens, de leurs regards, de leurs gestes, de leur malaise ou de leur espoir. J’aimerais travailler avec des focales longues qui permettent une profondeur de champ courte, et qui font bien ressortir les visages au détriment des décors, des autres silhouettes ou de la figuration. Je vois un cadre fluide qui suive les personnages et leurs sentiments. Une caméra qui filme des fauves.

Nous avons décidé, avec XXX, que nous tournerions en format 1.85. Ce rapport d’écran fait la part belle aux gros plans en permettant de jouer sur des amorces d’autres personnages, ou des éléments de décor.

Should this just be image or frame? I started off with image, went to frame and now I'm sitting on the fence..

Proposed translations (English)
3 +4 rewrite it!
5 image, picture, portrait
4 Photography


Nina Iordache Oct 25, 2007:
Yes, mediamatrix, absolutely, you have beautifully rewritten it. My husband says that at the end of the French movies, especially small budget ones, besides the actors, the people listed there for "image" (French) are the camera men.
Jennifer Levey Oct 25, 2007:
Yes, as Tony says, it may depend on the sequence of totles in the rest of the text ...
Jennifer Levey Oct 25, 2007:
If the readership is people from the film world, then 'Framing' (corresponding to 'cadrage') would be OK as a title. If it's for the general public, maybe something more explanatory like: 'Camera technique'
Tony M Oct 25, 2007:
Mind you, it depends on how it fits with other titles used; for example, if s/he also talks about 'The sound(track)', then I would go with 'The picture' here
Tony M Oct 25, 2007:
I certainly think that 'The image' works better as a title than 'The frame' or other possible alternatives — but for once, I would retain the def. article.
Julie Barber (asker) Oct 25, 2007:
Ok, but what about the title? just image? as T suggests?

Proposed translations

10 mins

rewrite it!

Frankly, I don't think 'image' is the best word in French for what the writer is trying to explain. 'cadrage' would be a first small step in a better direction ...

At the risk of deviating somewhat from the source text (call it poetic licence, if you will...) I'd be tempted to write something in English that more adequately expresses the ideas behind the French.

For example:
J’imagine une image qui soit le plus souvent possible très proche des comédiens, ...
--> something along the lines of:
Whenever possible I imagine the camera taking us right up close to the actors, ...
Note from asker:
thanks - I used all your suggestions - rewriting and technique...
Peer comment(s):

agree Attorney DC Bar
5 mins
agree Tony M : I agree with the idea of re-writing it, though I think 'image' works OK in EN here too.
5 mins
agree Nina Iordache
1 hr
agree jean-jacques alexandre
11 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
50 mins

image, picture, portrait

synonyms which could shed some light for you..
Something went wrong...
7 hrs


as in director of photography

* Camera

* Cinematography (although I prefer Photography)

Welcome to
Early on in his career he won a S.T.C.V.Q. award for "Best Photography Direction" at the Montreal Festival du Court Métrage (the city’s short film festival) ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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