Apr 30, 2000 18:42
24 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Italian term

listed below

Italian to English Other
how are you feeling today johnny?
I really miss you at school today and wish you were here.
I wanted to know when you were going to be in school again.
I hope you get over your sickness, so i could take you to a movie.
I will try and come to visit you very soon at your home.

Proposed translations

15 hrs

qui sotto elencati/elencate

elencati per termine maschile; elencate per termine femminile
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1 day 6 hrs

elencati sotto, elencati di seguito

elencati sotto, elencati di seguito, Clearly, you'll have to change the ending in "elencati", if the term it refers to is female or singular
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1 day 6 hrs

Come ti senti oggi Johnny? Mi sei mancato molto a scuola oggi e vorrei che fossi qui. Volevo sapere

quando tornerai a scuola. Spero che guarirai presto, così ti potrò portare al cinema. Cercherò di venire a trovarti presto a casa.
Peer comment(s):

CLS Lexi-tech
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