Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

vizita mare (la spital)

English translation:

main ward round

Added to glossary by Nina Iordache
Nov 19, 2013 19:43
10 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Romanian term

vizita mare (la spital)

Romanian to English Medical Medical (general) Generality
Cred ca stiti la ce ma refer, dar nu am the slightest ... Multumesc pentru ajutor!


Claudia Coja Nov 21, 2013:
@Nina Cred ca adevaratul castigator e traducatorul caruia i se ofera solutii:) Spor la treaba!
Nina Iordache (asker) Nov 20, 2013:
@ Everybody:Dl doctor mi-a spus ca vizita mare se refera la vizita zilei cu echipa doctorului, prin urmare castiga: Irina-Maria. Sincer nu stiu, draga Claudia cum se traduce in limba romana cealalta vizita si daca dau de ea o voi traduce cum ai spus. Multumesc fumos tuturor.
Nina Iordache (asker) Nov 19, 2013:
Ei,acum chiar ca nu mai stiu ce sa spun. Nu stiu nici eu despre ce vizita este vorba si nu se poate lamuri aceasta chestiune din context. Pot sa-l intreb pe Dl. Doctor, sa vedem.
Claudia Coja Nov 19, 2013:
:)) De deranjat nu ma deranjeaza nimic... Doar ca nu eram foarte sigura/nu -mi era foarte clar la ce se refera "vizita mare" ... Daca e vorba de vizita pe care o face in general medicul profesor impreuna cu stagiarii... (cam o data pe saptamana, din cate imi amintesc eu...) pentru ca vizita zilnica o facea medicul de salon, care de obicei era stagiar... Ma rog, ideea e ca nu eram sigura despre ce vizita e vorba.
Nina Iordache (asker) Nov 19, 2013:
@ Claudia Pot sa dau contextul, dar el apartine unui profesor si medic si presupun ca stie cum se numeste... Si ca una care am mai fost si eu prin spitale (nu va panicati :) am auzit ca se spune chiar asa: Vizita mare, poate fara mare, ca ar mai fi si vizita de seara dar atunci cred ca vine doar medicul curant. Ce anume te deranjeaza, Claudia?
Nina Iordache (asker) Nov 19, 2013:
Multumesc oricum, Angela!
Angela Öhrman Nov 19, 2013:
Cred cå am ïnteles gresit ... Sorry. în cazul acesta Irina are dreptate

Proposed translations

1 hr

main ward round

Peer comment(s):

agree Claudia Coja
44 mins
agree Liviu-Lee Roth
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Multumesc frumos, Irina-Maria! In contextul meu despre asta este vorba."
5 mins

main medical examination

Something went wrong...
10 hrs

Grand Round

Daca totusi este vorba despre "vizita mare" la care ma refer eu, asta ar fi o varianta...

Grand rounds are an important teaching tool and ritual of medical education and inpatient care, consisting of presenting the medical problems and treatment of a particular patient to an audience consisting of doctors, residents and medical students. The patient was traditionally present for the round and would answer questions; grand rounds have evolved with most sessions now rarely having a patient present and being more like lectures. An actor portrays the patient in some instances.

Grand rounds help doctors and other healthcare professionals keep up to date in important evolving areas which may be outside of their core practice. Most departments at major teaching hospitals will have their own specialized, often weekly, Grand Rounds. Attending Grand Rounds is also an important supplement to medical school and on-the-job resident training. (Grand rounds can also be distinguished from rounds which is the (typically) daily visit by the attending physician and team to all that physician's patients on the ward. Rounding with an attending physician is an important part of medical on-the-job training and education, but its primary focus is immediate care for the patients on the ward. Grand rounds tends to present the bigger picture, including experience with patients over many years, and the newest research and treatments in an area. Grand rounds tend to be open to the entire medical professional community, whereas rounds are specific to individual attending physicians and their teams).

Note added at 10 ore (2013-11-20 06:31:04 GMT)

Am vrut sa evidentiez anumite cuvinte si pasaje...dar e clar ca e prea mult pentru mine inainte de prima cafea:))
Note from asker:
Wow, Claudia, the early bird ... Cred ca asa stau lucrurile, voi intreba sa fiu sigura, poate fi vorba fie de main ward round cum a spus Irina-Maria sau despre Grand Round, bine ca stiu ca exista si ea de acum in glosarelul meu. Multumesc mult. Sper ca a fost o cafea foarte placuta :)
Ai dreptate, Claudia, multumesc frumos pentru raspuns care poate fi util in cazul acestei vizite lunare despre care vorbesti. Succes si tie!
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

20 mins

main ward round

Note from asker:
Da, asta era! Multumesc frumos, Irina-Maria!
Te rog sa postezi, Irina!.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree wordbridge
2 mins
agree Claudia Coja
21 mins
Something went wrong...