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Nov 22, 2000 15:37
23 yrs ago
English term


English to Spanish Medical
This is included in a chart which displays the equipment of a hospital

Proposed translations

2 hrs

La temperratura refrigeracio'n

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6 hrs

See below,

If it's a specific equipment, the translation might be "equipo/aparato de temperaturas de congelación"
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8 hrs

See below

Cryo is a greek prefix that means "cold", and temp is the short for "temperature".

From this, I deduce it means "freezing temperature - temperatura de congelación"

There are some words with the "cryo" prefix that are translated as "crio...". For example, "cryosurgery" is translated as "criocirugía". So, maybe this could also be translated as "criotemperatura".

That's all I can explain to you!


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10 hrs

temperatura criogénica

"Cryo" indeed means cold, but you may not translate it with "congelación", because "congelación" refers to temperatures JUST below zero, while "cryotemperatures" refer to temperatures FAR below zero, i.e. close to absolute zero (0 K). The correct translation is therefore the one I gave above, although "criotemperatura" might be suited as a colloquial alternative.
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17 hrs


Es una marca registrada de cajas para almacenar muestras a bajas temperaturas

También es una marca de alarmas inalámbricas en el Reino Unido pero no parece adecuado.

Mucha suerte. GFS.
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