May 8, 2001 17:12
23 yrs ago
English term

movie theather shopping

Non-PRO English to Spanish Other
you watch a movie in it and you buy stuff

Proposed translations

3 mins

cine o sala de cine, tienda del cine

En el cine puede ver una película.
También se les conoce como salas de cine. Generalmente tienen una pequeña tienda de palomitas y golosinas adonde puede comprar bocadillos.

Espero que le sirva

Saludos afectuosos de Oso ¶:^)
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1 hr


There are movie theaters chains(Hoyt's General Cinemas y Showcase, for example), known in Argentina as Multicines, located usually within the shopping centers or commercial centers.
You find there usually 10 or 12 movie theatres together, and a sort of shopping in the central hall . There you can buy sweets, hot dogs, drinks, pop-corn and any other kind of food that you can take with you when you enter the thatre.

Hope this explanation is what you were looking for. :-)
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2 hrs

Are you talking about a"concession stand?" puesto de concesión.

Are you talking about the snack stand at the entrance of the theatre where you buy popcorn, drinks and other goodies on the way in to watch the movie? Gere in the U.S. we call it concession stand. Or, do you mean a shopping mall that also has a movie theatre in it.

Shopping Mall-Centro Comercial

El Club español es actualmente activo. Aunque nosotros no hayamos tenido ningún proyecto grande, nosotros hemos trabajado el soporte de la concesión al dinero de la marca para nuestras actividades futuras. Este dinero irá a nuestros fondos y nosotros esperamos al uso en una actividad divertida hacia el fin del año.

The Spanish Club is currently active. Although we have not had any large projects, we have worked the concession stand to make money for our future activities. this money will go to our fund and we hope to use it on a fun activity towards the end of the year.

Escaparate y Centro Comercial Virtual - Virtual shopping mall ...
La Asociación de Comerciantes Agrupados de San Vicente
del Raspeig y Comarca se constituye ... [Más resultados de]

Hope this helps.

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11 hrs

centro comercial y de entretenimiento

Through this, you'll give the image of the place: you can shop and watch a movie! (perfect combination)

Hope it helps!
Saludos #:)
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1 day 18 hrs

see down there

If you are referring to "movie theatre shopping center", the translation would be "centro comercial y multicines", there is no term that gathers both things in the same word. If you mean that the stuff that you buy is related to the movie theatre (memorabillia, ie.)
you might say something such as : un cine con tienda de recuerdos.
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