This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Dec 22, 2010 18:13
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Portuguese term

Proposed translations

8 mins

roasted chestnuts

I just googled : Portuguese cod fish with roasted chestnuts

I hope that's what you're looking for.

Good luck
Peer comment(s):

agree Marlene Curtis
2 hrs
thank you
disagree coolbrowne : Não há milagre que transforme "magusto" em "castanhas" (sejam ou não assadas)
3 hrs
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10 mins

Bacalhau com castanhas (assadas na fogueira?) .

To celebrate St.Martins' Day,November 11th, when the must turns into wine.'s_Day#Portugal

Digg - Bacalhau com Castanhas:
Deliciosa receita de bacalhau de molho em leite, levado ao forno com batatas e castanhas aferventados. Assados com batante azeite até as batasa e castanhas dourarem e o bacalhau ... · Cached pageReceita de Bacalhau com castanhas - 1001… Translate this page
Bacalhau grosso às postas, assado no forno com batinhas e castanhas cozidas, azeite, leite de demolhar o bacalhau e alhos. É decorado com salsa e azeitonas e acompanhado por uma ... · Cached page
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37 mins

Saint Martin's cod

Saint Martin's codpiece

Note added at 45 mins (2010-12-22 18:58:36 GMT)

St Martin's cod! With (sweet) chestnuts of course! Sounds pretty appetizing to me!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Andrew Bramhall : Did St.Martin wear a codpiece? and was it edible?!!
15 hrs
Mmmmm Dunno? Who does?
agree Vanessa Lopes : actually in St. Martin's day portugueses have chestnuts as appetizer, so it is a very creative answer in my opinion, I would add that part com migas de broa
17 hrs
Cheers Vanessa. Yes maybe with chestnut and corn-bread-crumbs or some such
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4 hrs


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8 hrs

Chesnut’s codfish with broa’s crumbs (broa- the corn bread)

I don't know if you find out a word for broa, but in this site that I'm sending to you is about bread's recipes and there's a page with some women writting about it and they used lots of names because they didn't know the correct one for broa, they used corn bread, broa, sweet portuguese bread and in the 14 th comment a woman showed a research about it if u are able to see I belive that it would be nice.

Note added at 17 horas (2010-12-23 11:21:18 GMT)

Chestnuts (a small misspelling)

Note added at 17 horas (2010-12-23 11:50:47 GMT)

I also found out this site that shows chestnuts/marrons as castanha portuguesa, but if you google (chestnuts/marrons), castanha portuguesa and magusto you'll notice through the pictures that they are the same kind of nuts.
here is in number nine chestnuts
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Reference comments

14 mins

Recipes for dish don't contain chestnuts

I would leave the name as is and give a description with the ingredients. I think the name of the dish is a reference to magustos, or festas populares.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

neutral Nick Taylor :
29 mins
Yes, Bacalhau com castanhas definitely exists, but that's not the name of the dish in question. It's said that the Portuguese have 365 ways to cook cod, after all :) From the same site:
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23 hrs

magusto - Restaurante Sinal Vermelho

"Passando das entradas para os pratos principais, no "magusto de bacalhau assado com migas de broa e couve portuguesa" (€11,90), muito boas estas, a posta de gadídeo a necessitar de menos demolha e mais grelha."

"... e a decidir-me, primeiro, pelo magusto com bacalhau assado e, depois, por um coelho frito em vinha d'alhos com batata frita e amêijoas - não sem antes confortar o estômago com um bom queijinho de ovelha amanteigado com a ajuda de uma boa broa de mistura. O magusto, uma espécie de migas (feitas com couve portuguesa, batata, cebola e alho) estava muito bem conseguido - ao nível do que se encontra pelo Ribatejo, de onde é originário. O bacalhau pecou por excesso de grelha, o que foi pena, uma vez que a posta alta que foi servida prometia."
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