Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:


English translation:

hearing report

Added to glossary by Bogdan Honciuc
May 16, 2005 08:34
19 yrs ago
109 viewers *
Romanian term


Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Prin Încheierea din data X, pronunţată în dosarul nr. XYZ, Judecătoria Sectorului 5 Bucureşti a sesizat Curtea Constituţională cu excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. X din Ordonanţa Guvernului Y.

A mai fost termenul la glosar, dar era alt context...
Multumesc ptr sugestii.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +3 hearing report
5 +2 ruling
3 decision

Discussion May 16, 2005:
Attn. *TRANSCRIPT: Sigur, de aceea am �i pus "proces verbal" �ntre ghilimele, c� nu e chiar asta. M� �ntrebam dac� se folose�te termenul de "Report" �n acest context, cum mi-a fost sugerat dintr-o alt� surs� (ce-i drept, nu e traduc�tor, dar e avocat). May 16, 2005:
�ncheierea nu se refera la o decizie sau la vreun ordin judec�toresc, ci la �ncheierea �edin�ei publice (�n care Curtea a dezb�tut chestiunea respectiv�), deci eu �n�eleg c� ar fi vorba de un fel de raport sau, dac� vre�i, un "proces verbal" al �edin�ei. Nu este o decizie ca atare.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

hearing report

The Apalachicola River Wildlife and Environmental Area (ARWEA) CONCEPTUAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (CMP)HELD BY THE
Apalachicola River WEA Management Advisory Group (MAG)
(Franklin County Court House, December 13, 2001)
Mr. Mark Curenton, representing the ARWEA Management Advisory Group (MAG), opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. at the County Court House Chambers in Apalachicola. He welcomed those in attendance, and indicated that this night’s public hearing was designed to present the draft goals and objectives proposed by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) for the lands comprising the ARWEA. He also stated that the public hearing was being held by the MAG, and that FWC staff had developed the draft plan components using input developed by the MAG. Following the introductory remarks, Mr. Curenton introduced Mr. Hugh Boyter of the FWC Bureau of Wildlife Management’s Planning Section, the Biological Scientist who supervises the members of the Planning Section. Mr. Boyter introduced Mr. Keith Singleton, the principal planner for the ARWEA plan, and Biological Scientists comprising the local (regional) FWC Division of Wildlife, Bureau of Wildlife Management staff, Mr. Phil Manor and Mr. Norberto Fernandez. He then briefly reviewed the agenda for the hearing, and provided a brief presentation of the process by which the FWC develops conceptual management plans, including how plans are reviewed and approved by a number of entities in accordance with statutory procedures for state-owned lands." Apalachicola%20WEA%20Public%20Hearing%20Report.pdf

"In the Final Hearing Report, the panel made the following conclusions and recommendations.

"1. Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 202 details the 'grounds for discipline,' in pertinent part, as follows:

'A certificate of a conviction of an attorney for any crime or of a civil judgment based on clear and convincing evidence shall be conclusive evidence of the commission of that crime or civil wrong in any disciplinary proceeding instituted against said attorney based upon the conviction or judgment. A diversion agreement, for the purposes of any disciplinary proceeding, shall be deemed a conviction of the crimes originally charged. All other civil judgments shall be prima facie evidence of the findings made therein and shall raise a presumption as to their validity. The burden shall be on the respondent to disprove the findings made in the civil judgment.'

"2. KRPC 8.4(b) provides that '[i]t is professional misconduct for a lawyer to . . . commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects.' Id. The Hearing Panel concludes that the Respondent violated KRPC 8.4(b) by committing the criminal act of domestic battery."

The panel then formulated its recommendation for discipline as follows: "

"A unanimous panel report shall be deemed a final hearing report and shall be filed, served, and acted upon as hereinafter provided.
If the panel cannot agree unanimously on either the findings of fact, or the recommended discipline to be imposed, or both, the majority shall prepare and file a majority report. The minority member shall file a minority report. Thereupon the majority and minority reports shall be considered final reports, and both such reports, if either recommends discipline by the Supreme Court, shall be submitted to the Supreme Court for consideration and disposition pursuant to Rule 212."

Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Diaconu
7 mins
agree Andreea Vintila
1 hr
agree Marcella Magda
1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Mulţumesc, asta era :)"
18 mins


or (court)order is what i would say
Something went wrong...
2 mins



Note added at 1 hr 51 mins (2005-05-16 10:25:29 GMT)

Desigur, incheierea de sedinta nu e nici sentinta si nici decizie judecatoreasca (adica hotarari care pot fi atacate ulterior sau care devin definitive). De aceea nu am folosit nici judgement si nici decision, pentru a evita confuziile.
Pe de alta parte, incheierea de sedinta este in practica mai mult decat un \"proces-verbal\". Instanta poate dispune citarea, aducerea martorilor, reunirea cauzelor, constata nulitatea expertizelor, etc.
Ar trebui precizata aici si diferenta intre un ordin al curtii (ordin de aducere a martorilor, de ex.) si incheierea propriu-zisa.

Note added at 1 hr 59 mins (2005-05-16 10:33:56 GMT)

Desigur, incheierea de sedinta nu e nici sentinta si nici decizie judecatoreasca (adica hotarari care pot fi atacate ulterior sau care devin definitive). De aceea nu am folosit nici judgement si nici decision, pentru a evita confuziile.
Pe de alta parte, incheierea de sedinta este in practica mai mult decat un \"proces-verbal\". Instanta poate dispune citarea, aducerea martorilor, reunirea cauzelor, constata nulitatea expertizelor, etc.
Ar trebui precizata aici si diferenta intre un ordin al curtii (ordin de aducere a martorilor, de ex.) si incheierea propriu-zisa.
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrei Albu
16 mins
agree Maria Tulbure
18 mins
neutral Bogdan Burghelea : incheierile nu devin, neaparat, definitive, dar pot fi atacate (cel putin o parte dintre ele) prin cai de atac
1 day 34 mins
Something went wrong...