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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Picnic in a park anyone? CANCELLED

September 16, 2012, 3:00 pm
ItalyRomeIn personEnglish
Event Organizer:

Daniela Zambrini

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (20) / Confirmed: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Daniela Zambrini  \"Organizer\" unfortunately I will be unable to attend. Have a great time and post some pictures :-)  n
Vania Dionisi   peccataccio, non posso :( divertitevi  n
Sandra Gianesini   Mi dispiace, non potrò venire, ho un matrimonio. Spero di conoscervi in un prossimo powwow.  n
Antonella Sagone   ...  
Luisa Cambilargiu   Great! I will be pleased to join!  
Klara Zejdlova  \"Photographer\" ...  n
Françoise Vogel   un'idea eccellente // sorry, won't be able to attend... Have a great meeting! Hope you'll post some pictures.  n
Maria Giulia La Rosa   ...  n
Amélie Ragot   ...  y
Fran Cesca   ...  n
mariafossifaure   Such a shame!  n
SilvanaC.   ...  n
Anne R   sorry, won't be able to make it! :-(  n
Gabriella Scalamonti   ...  n
Margaret M Mahoney   ...  y
daniela ruffa   dada65  y
HCharilaou   I've never been to a Powwow and would love to attend  
Cristian FASSONE   Cristian Fassone   
trionfale   ...  n
Alba1  \"Reporter\" THIS POWWOW IS NOW CANCELLED DUE TO LOW PARTICIPATION. Hope to meet you another time.  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Rome - Italy
Vania Dionisi
Vania Dionisi  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
French to Italian
+ ...
L'idea mi piace molto Jun 29, 2012

Vediamo se potròicon_smile.gif

Alba1  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
French to English
+ ...
Thanks & back-up plan suggestions please! Jul 2, 2012

Thanks to everyone who has joined up so far, and for the offers to help. I will let you all know more details nearer the time.

I'm sure the weather will be perfect, but just in case, I want to have a back-up plan of a restaurant in the general vicinity of Villa Ada. Restaurant suggestions are welcome!

I will work out a basic picnic menu and ask people to chose what they would like to bring. That way, we won't end up with 20 rice salads...
See more
Thanks to everyone who has joined up so far, and for the offers to help. I will let you all know more details nearer the time.

I'm sure the weather will be perfect, but just in case, I want to have a back-up plan of a restaurant in the general vicinity of Villa Ada. Restaurant suggestions are welcome!

I will work out a basic picnic menu and ask people to chose what they would like to bring. That way, we won't end up with 20 rice saladsicon_wink.gif

I have been authorised to 'VID', i.e. verify members' identities. Put simply, if you use your real name on your profile and bring along photo ID, I will be able to VID you and notify Proz you really are who you say you are. I will provide you with more details nearer the time.

Thanks a lot!

Luisa Cambilargiu
Luisa Cambilargiu  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
English to Italian
+ ...
Looks perfect! Jul 3, 2012

Thanks Alba for your help and efforts, I am sure it will be a lovely event!

I will chase some advice re. a restaurant in the area, though I am confident too that it will be a typical September sunny dayicon_smile.gif

Let me know how I can help with the menu!


Alba1  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
French to English
+ ...
Thank you Jul 4, 2012

Thank you Luisa. Yes I would appreciate restaurant suggestions for 'plan b', so let me know if you come up with anything!

As for the menu, I will let you know and we can sort it out.icon_smile.gif


Antonella Sagone
Antonella Sagone  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
English to Italian
veg? no problem! Jul 22, 2012

Dear Alba, I'm vegan so no problem to make some food that could be suitable both for veg*ans and not. Italian cooking has a lot of them. I'm thinking to something with legumes (pasta e ceci, lenticchie stufate, crostini con crema di lenticchie, farifrittata etc), otherwise I could contribute with some cake.
I'd like to know exactly the day you chose, may be I missed the first message so I wasn't able to find it out.
thanks for your efforts!

Alba1  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
French to English
+ ...
Vegan/vegetarian Jul 22, 2012

Wow your cooking sounds amazing! That would be great to have both vegan/vegetarian and meat/tuna etc so we cater for everyone in that regard. The date is Sunday 16 September at lunchtime. By the way, a note to everyone: I don't want to tell people what to bring/make. I just would appreciate an indication to make sure that we don't end up with everyone bringing a different version of the same dish! Thank you Antonellaicon_smi</span><span id=... See more
Wow your cooking sounds amazing! That would be great to have both vegan/vegetarian and meat/tuna etc so we cater for everyone in that regard. The date is Sunday 16 September at lunchtime. By the way, a note to everyone: I don't want to tell people what to bring/make. I just would appreciate an indication to make sure that we don't end up with everyone bringing a different version of the same dish! Thank you Antonellaicon_smile.gifCollapse

Alba1  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
French to English
+ ...
Holiday Aug 3, 2012

Hello, I'll be on holiday much of the time between now and early September, so I'll probably only be back in touch then. However it's all looking goodicon_smile.gif Thanks to everyone who has signed up!

daniela ruffa
daniela ruffa  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
English to Italian
+ ...
Rome- Sep 2012 Aug 17, 2012

No problem cooking vegan; what about meeting point + time

[Edited at 2012-08-17 12:44 GMT]

Alba1  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
French to English
+ ...
Powwow details Sep 10, 2012

I am now back from my holiday so I can get back to organising the powwow!

Here are the details:

Sunday 16th September at 1pm.
Meeting point: Villa Ada inside the entrance: Via Salaria 275-C.
I will meet you here at 1pm. I am blonde with black glasses, and will have a cowboy hat so you can recognise me!

You will probably see a large entrance with big green gates at 275-B. YOU CANNOT ENTER HERE. Continue a few metres further (in the direction
... See more
I am now back from my holiday so I can get back to organising the powwow!

Here are the details:

Sunday 16th September at 1pm.
Meeting point: Villa Ada inside the entrance: Via Salaria 275-C.
I will meet you here at 1pm. I am blonde with black glasses, and will have a cowboy hat so you can recognise me!

You will probably see a large entrance with big green gates at 275-B. YOU CANNOT ENTER HERE. Continue a few metres further (in the direction of the catacombe di Priscilla) and enter at 275-C. There is a zebra crossing directly in front of 275-C.

Please remember to contribute something to eat and something to drink. It would be helpful if you could also bring a serving spoon etc. I will provide plastic plates and cups, and also a rug to sit on if necessary.

If you arrive after 1pm, please use the directions below:

Villa Ada, entrance: Via Salaria 275-C.

Turn right when in the park, and follow the gravel path for 2 minutes. You will arrive at a children’s play area with bumper cars and a carousel (giostra).

Continue 1 more minute in the same direction: you will see picnic tables on the left and the right. I will try to get a table on the right, underneath a wooden structure with plants on.

If for any reason it is not possible to use the table there, there are more picnic tables if you continue just a little further in the same direction and I will be there. I will display a ‘Proz’ sign.

I will send you my mobile phone number by private message.

Details regarding confirming identify (VID) (optional)
If you wish me to confirm your identity on Proz (‘VID’) you must do the following:

* You must show your real name on your Proz profile pages (before the powwow).
* You must show me photo ID
* I will then mark your name on Proz as ‘verified’.
* Please note: vidding a member only verifies their identity--it verifies that a real person with that name exists. It has nothing to do with whether someone is a good translator.

Please confirm your attendance on the powwow page. Many thanks!

Alba1  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
French to English
+ ...

I am cancelling this powwow due to the very low number of confirmed participants. Hopefully there will be another occasion soon where everyone will be able to make it.


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