Off topic: Something for German/English Translators
Thread poster: Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:25
German to English
Feb 26, 2003

This has been posted before but some of you may not have seen it before. I\'m afraid it can probably only be appreciated by someone who speaks both German and English.

Come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

When you are always the Gelackmeierte, and when you have es nix gebracht on a green Zweig.

Come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

We are a young team and pensionsberechtigt. We have a Betriebsklima like that in
... See more
This has been posted before but some of you may not have seen it before. I\'m afraid it can probably only be appreciated by someone who speaks both German and English.

Come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

When you are always the Gelackmeierte, and when you have es nix gebracht on a green Zweig.

Come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

We are a young team and pensionsberechtigt. We have a Betriebsklima like that in Florida; we have the five Stundenday and the twentyfive Stundenweek. We have 115 Feierdays in the year, 52 sundays and genau so much samsdays. And we have the world best Krankenscheinsystem. Na, is this nix?

You can selbstandig work, da our Chefs are always auf Achse. You are unser Mann or Wife, when you can not so hard dranlangen.

Also, let\'s go, come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

Only eines noch: be careful, manchmal we must schaffe, too. For Beispiel, this Anzeige ist a product out our überlations service!

Last and least: Take it easy, when you are vorbestraft, it make nix.

[ This Message was edited by:on2003-02-26 19:07]

Parrot  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:25
Spanish to English
+ ...
115 Feierdays Feb 26, 2003

Sure you\'re not talking about the European Commission, Kim?

Local time: 06:25
German to English
+ ...
tanks for sharing this. I did not see it before. Quite a "scream" Feb 26, 2003


On 2003-02-26 19:05, kmetzger wrote:

This has been posted before but some of you may not have seen it before. I\'m afraid it can probably only be appreciated by someone who speaks both German and English.

Come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

When you are always the Gelackmeierte, and when you have es nix gebracht on a green Zweig.

Come to Überlations Transsetzungen ... See more

On 2003-02-26 19:05, kmetzger wrote:

This has been posted before but some of you may not have seen it before. I\'m afraid it can probably only be appreciated by someone who speaks both German and English.

Come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

When you are always the Gelackmeierte, and when you have es nix gebracht on a green Zweig.

Come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

We are a young team and pensionsberechtigt. We have a Betriebsklima like that in Florida; we have the five Stundenday and the twentyfive Stundenweek. We have 115 Feierdays in the year, 52 sundays and genau so much samsdays. And we have the world best Krankenscheinsystem. Na, is this nix?

You can selbstandig work, da our Chefs are always auf Achse. You are unser Mann or Wife, when you can not so hard dranlangen.

Also, let\'s go, come to Überlations Transsetzungen GmbH Incorporated!

Only eines noch: be careful, manchmal we must schaffe, too. For Beispiel, this Anzeige ist a product out our überlations service!

Last and least: Take it easy, when you are vorbestraft, it make nix.

[ This Message was edited byn2003-02-26 19:07]


Olav Rixen
Olav Rixen
Local time: 21:25
English to German
+ ...
Another one Feb 27, 2003


This is for all technophobes out there:


Alles Touristen und non-rtechnischen lookens-peepers! Das Machine Kontrol ist nicht für Gefingerpoken und Mittengrabben, oderwise ist easy schnappen der Springenwerk, blowenfuse und Poppenkorken mit Spitzensparken. Der Machine ist diggen by Experten only, ist nicht für das Gerverken by das Dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken Sightseenen keepen das cottonpicken ... See more

This is for all technophobes out there:


Alles Touristen und non-rtechnischen lookens-peepers! Das Machine Kontrol ist nicht für Gefingerpoken und Mittengrabben, oderwise ist easy schnappen der Springenwerk, blowenfuse und Poppenkorken mit Spitzensparken. Der Machine ist diggen by Experten only, ist nicht für das Gerverken by das Dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken Sightseenen keepen das cottonpicken Hands in das Pockets, so relaxen und den watchen das blinken Lights!



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