Sep 17, 2013 14:01
11 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

(raised and)fielded doors

English to Romanian Other Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting woodworking
Frame and Panel
Frame-and-panel doors let you use solid-wood panels without the associated
problems of wood movement. Flat panels from plywood or medium-density
fiberboard (MDF) offer a broader design choice. Board-and-batten construction
provides a rustic look.
Raised and fielded Arch top Double panel
Quarter-matched veneer Plywood with
solid-wood lipping
Plywood with
mitered frame
Proposed translations (Romanian)
5 uşi cu tăblii încastrate


Alexandranow (asker) Sep 20, 2013:
ok. dacă îmi spui ce e fielded închidem aici thx
crocox Sep 20, 2013:
Am dat si raspunsuri separate. Panourile sunt profilate.
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 20, 2013:
mulțumesc pt strădanie, dar cred că nu merge aici. de aceea am și postat separat pr fiecare să obțin ceva.sunt încastrate panourile, dar ce fel de panouri??????
crocox Sep 19, 2013:
La intrebare ai postat raised and fielded doors - la asta am raspuns :) Dar am precizat, inainte de toate, ca este 'raised and fielded panels'. Tablie sau panou este acelasi lucru, in acest caz. Iar daca la denumirea diferitelor tipuri de usi se foloseste 'tablii incastrate', asa am zis si eu. Ma mai gandesc, poate gasesc o varianta mai 'fericita' decat asta, desi mie personal imi pare a fi suficient daca spun 'panou dublu incastrat cu arcada superioara'
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 19, 2013:
You can raise panels on the router table using a
panel-raising bit or use a panel raiser on the
shaper. (For more on raised panels, see The
Complete Illustrated Guide to Shaping Wood, by
Lonnie Bird, The Taunton Press.) Making a fulldepth
cut in one pass will overload the cutter and
the machine, plus it can be dangerous. Instead,
make the cut in two or three passes. A subfence
temporarily clamped to the shaper fence lets you
make a shallow cut on the first pass (B). To make
the final, full-depth cut, remove the subfence (C). vezi și field la 137
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 19, 2013:
ceva nu e în regulă. or fi încastrate, dar mai trebuie detalii pt panouri
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 19, 2013:
în primul rând e panel. not door
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 19, 2013:
dacă vezi pozele se vede diferența
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 19, 2013:
Raised panel Raised-and-fielded panel Thumbnail-molded frame
with raised-and-fielded panel
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 19, 2013:
nu....păi sunt panouri diferite. se referă la panouri...mamma mia
crocox Sep 18, 2013:
Nu am fost pe receptie pana acum.:) Acele tablii incastrate au toate, din cate am vazut eu, marginile tesite care se prind in rama usii formata din acei montanti de care vorbeam cu alta ocazie si din traverse. Am considerat ca in 'tablii incastrate' intra atat raised cat si fielded. Am mai gasit si asta, adica o explicatie pentru ambele:
raised panel, fielded panel
A panel with the center portion thicker than the edges or projecting above the surrounding frame or wall surface. When exposed on both sides (as on both sides of a door), it is called a double raised panel. panel
Eu cred ca este bine "usa cu tablii incastrate"
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 18, 2013:
ok. din ce văd eu la raised apare doar ridicat, la raised anf fielded are încă o teșitură marginea panoului???
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 18, 2013:
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 18, 2013:
nu cumva e casetat???
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 18, 2013: că mai trebuie ceva la rame și tăblii, că nu sunt plate
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 18, 2013:
Raising, fielding, and molding create different effects with light and shadow.
și raised panel, apoi fielded.....pag.134
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 18, 2013:
dacă apare numai raised:
Alexandranow (asker) Sep 17, 2013:
nu știu dacă expresia e împreună...raised and fielded...raised ar putea fi elevate and fielded&rls=com.mi...

Proposed translations

1 hr

uşi cu tăblii încastrate

Este 'raised and fielded panel'

'Usi pline cu arcade sau drepte, executate pe sistem de rame cu tablie'

Aici este vorba despre o uşă cu două tăblii încastrate,cea de sus cu arcadă.
'Raised & Fielded: if a wooden panel has a flat square or rectangular area at its centre with a bevel all around its edges, it is described as being raised and fielded. The flat centre is ‘raised’ and the sloping edges are said to be ‘fielded’.'
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