Nov 25, 2001 23:37
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


Non-PRO German to English Other
what does 'Bundestagsabgeordneten' mean? 'Bundes' und 'abgeordneten' i can understand, but i wonder what does the word 'tag' in here mean?

Proposed translations

1 day 2 hrs

Bundestag deputies

As you can see from a quick search on the Web, the term Bundestag deputies is widely used. Some of the hits were from International Herald Tribune, CNN and as I said, this is a commonly used expression also in the BBC, Economist, FT, Times, Guardian etc:

... in Warsaw, during which representatives of the foundations sent an appeal to Bundestag
deputies to start payoffs for victims of Nazism as soon as possible. ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Untitled Normal Page
... Prime Minister backs appeal to Bundestag deputies
on compensation, At a meeting of representatives ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

IHT: Germany to Assume NATO Mission in Macedonia
... approved the mission, called "Amber Fox." In an overwhelming vote, 528 of the Bundestag
deputies voted in favor of the Macedonian mission with 40 against and ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

German News (English Edition) We, 07.01.1998 21:00 CET
... attitude towards the Euro. On the conference fringe, the CSU Bundestag deputies have
invited Wolf Biermann, the singer and former DDR civil rights campaigner. ... - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

German News (English Edition) We, 02.07.1997 18:00 CEDT
... Bonn. The CDU Bundestag deputies from eastern Germany have announced that they
plan to fight Finance Minister Waigel's new plan to make financial savings. ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

Week in Germany July 12, 1996
... and Women German Politicians Welcome Yeltsin's Victory Bundestag Deputies Join Search
for German Hostage in Kashmir Germany Protests Russia's `War Booty' Law ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Week in Germany June 14, 1996
... Ban May Jobless Rate Declines But Still Disappoints Bundestag Deputies Delay Salary
Increase for One Year Bonn to Test Automated Passport Inspection Institute ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ] - Germany approves Macedonia mission - August 29, ...
... Starting this evening, our soldiers will know that all Bundestag deputies, regardless
of how they may have voted, stand behind them," Ruehe declared. ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

BASIC LAW Art. 38-48
... Article 38 (Elections) (1) The deputies to the German Bundestag are elected in universal,
direct, free, equal and secret elections. They are representatives of ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

International Chronicle
... Bundestag Deputies Visit Poland On March 20 and 21, a delegation of members of the
Defence Committee of the Bundestag, including the Committee's Chairman Klaus ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
9 mins

Lower House of German Parliament

Bundestag = Lower House of German Parliament

Bundestagsabgeordneten = Members of Bundestag = Lower House of German Parliament (i.e. MPs in UK)

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10 mins

member of the Bundestag

Bundestag m POL lower house of German parliament, House of Commons BrE (H of C), House of Representatives AmE

© 1998: Lizenzausgabe des Langenscheidt Fachverlags, Berlin, mit Genehmigung von Routledge Ltd, London

Bundestag m 1. Bundestag, Lower House (of the German Parliament);
2. historisch Diet of the German Confederation

(c) Langenscheidt

Hope that helps.
Peer comment(s):

agree Tom Funke
0 min
agree Thomas Bollmann
28 mins
agree Trudy Peters
9 hrs
agree Annette Aryanpour : right on
22 hrs
neutral mckinnc : I'm not sure this sufficiently communicates the ideas that they are elected representatives, as does the term deputy
1 day 1 hr
See my explanation below - I'quite sure "Member" is the right word.
agree Francis Fine : put (lower house of German Parliament) right after Bundestag when the term first appears.
1 day 1 hr
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16 mins

It is the plural 'German members of Parliament'; or members of the Bundestag.

The Bundestag is the lower house of the German Parliament
Peer comment(s):

agree RWSTranslati (X)
2 hrs
neutral Uschi (Ursula) Walke : members of the German Parliament?
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
49 mins

Bundestag deputies

You must keep the term Bundestag (which refers to the lower chamber of the German Federal Parliament situated in the old Berlin Reichstag building). The word deputies would normally be used to refer to elected representatives of such a chamber, rather than Memebers of Parliament, which generaly refers to the UK.
Peer comment(s):

agree Sven Petersson
18 mins
disagree Annette Aryanpour : members of the Bundestag just like members of Parliament
21 hrs
That's not my point. I'm saying we wouldn't call them MPs
disagree Geri Linda Metterle : I always here the "Member of the Parliament", but never heard of a "Deputy of the Parliament" or "Parliament Deputy" before.
1 day 43 mins
not parliamentary deputy - Bundestag deputy - and I'm telling you what I'm used to reading and hearing in English-language media
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