Feb 24, 2009 09:03
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

Lust und Unlust

German to English Social Sciences Philosophy
Vortrag über Kapitalmarktethik, generelle Einführung in die Ethik

Immanuel Kants Pflichtenethik
Pflicht soll das Motiv für das Handeln sein, nicht Freude, Abwendung von Übel oder Ähnliches
„Pflicht ist die Notwendigkeit einer Handlung aus Achtung fürs Gesetz“.
Der Mensch ist kein rein vernünftiges Wesen. Er ist auch bestimmt durch die Neigungen, Komponenten unserer sinnlichen Veranlagung, die auf dem „Gefühl der Lust und Unlust beruhen“

Als gelernte Österreicherin weiß ich, dass die Unlust in der Psychoanalyse "unpleasure" ist, aber in der Ethik?
pleasure and reluctance?
Change log

Feb 24, 2009 09:12: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Other" to "Social Sciences"

Proposed translations

5 mins

pleasure and displeasure

Note from asker:
thank you!!
Peer comment(s):

agree Helen Shiner :
6 mins
agree Edward Vreeburg : I like this one too
9 mins
agree Steve Thomasson : Agreed, I was thinking of the "pleasure / pain principle" but this is more elegant.
54 mins
agree Ulrike Kraemer
1 hr
agree Inge Meinzer
4 hrs
agree Derek Gill Franßen
4 hrs
agree D-E Translator
1 day 13 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 mins

Like and dislike

or if you really go to extremes Desire and Fear
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Reference comments

11 mins

Kant's aesthetics

Kant claimed that pleasure and displeasure (pain) were complementary: both were expressions of the same ‘feeling of pleasure and pain’. In A he describes them as ‘opposed to each other, not like gain and deficiency (+ or 0), but like gain and loss (= and −), that is, one is not contrasted with the other merely as an opposite (contradictorie, sive logice oppositum), but rather as a counterpart (contrarie sive realiter oppositum)’ (A §60). Kant maintains that beyond claiming that pleasure and displeasure are counterparts of the same subjective feeling, they ‘cannot be explained more clearly in themselves; instead, one can only specify what results they have in certain circumstances’ (MM p. 212, p. 41). One of these results follows from whether the feeling incites the subject to abandon or maintain a particular state; another consists in the tendency of pleasure to enhance the feeling of life, and of displeasure or pain to hinder it (A §60). Both however are necessary to each other: without the check of displeasure, the steady advancement of vitality accompanying pleasure would result in a ‘quick death’. In A Kant distinguishes between sensuous and intellectual pleasure and displeasure, subdividing the former according to whether the pleasure/displeasure is caused by sensation or imagination, and the latter ...
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Inge Meinzer
3 hrs
Thank you, Inge
agree Derek Gill Franßen
4 hrs
Thank you, Derek
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