Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

necesitamos del otro y de lo otro

English translation:

we need others and otherness

Added to glossary by Yvonne Becker
Mar 21, 2007 19:25
17 yrs ago
Spanish term

del otro y de lo otro

Spanish to English Art/Literary Government / Politics
Estoy revisando la traducción de un discurso político:

"Sobrevivir en convivencia con otros seres humanos, con otras formas de vida, en el espacio conocido como el planeta Tierra es nuestra misión. Pero sobrevivir con igualdad de derechos y oportunidades, en libertad y respetando la vida y libertad de nuestros semejantes es un estadio superior al mero dilema de la supervivencia. Las religiones, las ideologías, las filosofías, la política toda creación humana, aspiran ofrecer al ser humano métodos para ganarse su supervivencia terrenal y eterna favoreciendo y apoyando la supervivencia de otros. ¡Qué infame y solitario sería el planeta si sobre su faz sólo caminase un ser humano! Necesitamos del otro y de lo otro para saber que estamos vivos, y vivir."

Proposed translations

1 day 15 hrs

We need others and otherness

I understand that by “lo otro” this author means what is know as “otredad”, or “otherness”, in English.

Hope to be of some help.
Buena suerte.

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source
oth•er•ness (ŭth'ər-nĭs) Pronunciation Key
n. The quality or condition of being other or different, especially if exotic or strange: "We're going to see in Europe ... religion, royalty, picturesqueness, otherness" (Anatole Broyard).

The strategy of self-sufficiency: ‘I don’t need’.
Then there may be the path of refusing vulnerability by trying to pretend that one does not need others or otherness; addiction to the feeling of self-sufficiency. For, Narcissus, in a
sense, there is no other and he tries to feed himself with himself. In this trajectory we can
try to puff ourselves up with images of our own specialness or strength.
But then, there is a panicked flight from this into a hoped-for freedom: the 'freedom from otherness', in which one is self-sufficient and complete.

Xochimilco is an eminently Roman Catholic Area; however, an ongoing process has being incorporating new churches into the borough’s societal sphere. That means changes —not only in religious forms and practices, but also in relations with others, with an otherness that differ in how it conceives the world and its social dynamics and patterns of organization.

This thesis argues that beyond the purity of the idealised creation of heritage Cornish there exist other Cornwalls. Many owe their existence to a reaction against English labelling and Englishness. Others exist as an otherness embedded in a difference in social formation which in itself lies in the difference of significant cultural markers.

The language, music, art, customs and religion were used as specific symbols of the Cornish 'otherness' or difference.

In particular, the weakening of the political and the cultural role of the nation-state has rendered most of the dimensions of citizenship obsolete or less significant (II.). In a brief concluding outlook I suggest that citizenship as a legal status may be a promising concept for the eventual rise of a global order which is able to cope with cultural otherness in a civilized manner (III.).

The law opened a province of social interaction in which persons could recognize each others as equals irrespective of their differences in terms of descent, religious affiliation, and social rank12. The diversity and otherness of individuals was no longer a barrier to their economic and social intercourse, nor was the geographical remoteness of the ‘others’.

This adds a further diversifying and multiplying element to the patchwork of identities which has become characteristic of more and more individuals. Thus, the increase of tolerance and understanding of “others” and “otherness” has undermined the polemical thrust of national identity.

I have an old dream of writing a nice and very illustrated catechism for Arab Christian kids living in very little minorities in the midst of Arabic/Islamic societies, to develop for them a possibility of identification not based on opposition to otherness and resistance to assimilation, but on discovery of positive interaction and of function in a society in which I understand, as a child, that my family tradition has a positive role for the good of the given society, blessed with Islam but also blessed by my little presence in it.

“Not to gather the other into one’s consciousness is, strangely enough, to be in touch with the other’s otherness to remain in contact with the inevitable elusiveness of the other who cannot be known…”
<“others * otherness” tolera...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "No se me había ocurrido esta interpretación, pero tiene sentido. Muchas gracias"
5 mins

we need others and input/feedback from others

I would suggest ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Patrice
4 mins
Something went wrong...
9 mins

... others and their doings ...

An option ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Swatchka : Me gusta
8 mins
Something went wrong...
59 mins

one another

we need one another.....
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

other people and other things

Si haces una paráfrasis de la frase en español, sería "de otras personas y de otras cosas"

En el fragmento "del otro" queda claro a que se refiere a otras personas, al prójimo...

pero "de lo otro", por más que le busquemos a qué se refiere precisamente, es bastante vago. Además, no queda muy claro porque todos los posibles antecedentes son en femenino: convivencia, libertad, igualdad, creación humana, supervivencia...

pero por sí solo, "lo otro" se refiere a algo, a una cosa.

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1 day 8 hrs

each other and one another

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