This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Apr 21, 2008 14:38
16 yrs ago
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Spanish term


Spanish to English Other Cooking / Culinary menu
This menu never ends. One of the hors d'oeuvres is "gullón de pescado". Have no idea what this is. Thanks in advance for your help.
Proposed translations (English)
3 Dos posibilidades
3 -1 cracker
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Apr 22, 2008 12:59: PB Trans changed "Field (specific)" from "Food & Drink" to "Cooking / Culinary"


Elizabeth Lyons Apr 22, 2008:
Thanks, Maria. Good luck with this project.
María T. Vargas (asker) Apr 22, 2008:
I didn't know how to do it, but I'll do it here. My client says it's an elegant way of saying "fish fingers". But he said, he'll add: "à la Guyon". I've never seen it before and it could be an "invention" of my client. But thanks to all for your efforts.
Elizabeth Lyons Apr 22, 2008:
Maria, Can you please post the answer you found so those who were trying to help as well as future searchers can benefit from your information? Thanks.
Elizabeth Lyons Apr 21, 2008:
Just to be very clear in case anyone else thinks I meant to say that a "gullon" was a cracker, it is clearly a proper name of an individual or a company - I simply meant to point to the possibility that the dish involves that brand of crackers.
schevallier Apr 21, 2008:
granted that a hors d'oeuvre is rarely a soup because it usually is cold (or why not gazpacho though, now that they serve so many different things in tiny "verrines"?), but the term definitely has a different meaning in French and in English...
María T. Vargas (asker) Apr 21, 2008:
Thanks to you all. I'll have to call my client to find out if there's a mistake. I know Gullon very well, I've even visited their premises in Aguilar de Campo a few years ago and sometimes buy their products but as far as I know they don't have any "fish" cracker and "bouillon" is a broth and an hours d'oeuvre cannot be a soup!
bcsantos Apr 21, 2008:
Like desertfox I only found galletas Gullon. Apparently they have no sugar or salt. Have a look at
schevallier Apr 21, 2008:
i it a menu from Spain?
Gad Kohenov Apr 21, 2008:
I found fabrica de galetas Gullon in Google.
schevallier Apr 21, 2008:
Hola Maria! Are you sure it's not bullon, being an hors d'oeuvre? in which case we would have a fish soup

Proposed translations

20 mins


There is a cracker by this name - saltless and sugarless. It could be a cracker that is used with fish or to coat the fish. This is just a guess. I will get some links shortly.

Note added at 22 mins (2008-04-21 15:00:26 GMT)

InfoAliment- [ Translate this page ]Al márgen de esta compañía, Galletas Gullón había manifestado también su .... y el tradicional pescado con patatas (fish and , ( ver resto de la noticia), . ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

[DOC] FERIA PLMA USA (Chicago) - 17 y 18 de Noviembre de 2003File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
Galletas dulces y crackers. Salsas. Salsas, grasas y aceites, ... Conservas y sopas envasadas, carne, pescado .... E-mail :. [email protected] ... - Similar pages - Note this Het voeden in Spanje- [ Translate this page ]FABRICA DE PATATAS FRITAS HERMANOS GONZALEZ SL Crackers en zoute snack ..... GRASAS ANIMALES Y ACEITES DE PESCADO EL TIBURON, SL ... - 977k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

[PDF] El mercado de productos gourmet en Puerto RicoFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Evolución y análisis de la partida 1604/1605 (conservas de pescado y marisco) ...... Gullón: Variedad de galletas. -. Cuétara: Galletas surtidas ... - Similar pages - Note this

Note added at 29 mins (2008-04-21 15:07:27 GMT)

Galletas Gullon - Foro de Dietas Varias- [ Translate this page ]Oct 25, 2007 ... tenía para comer pescado y ensalada y como no había tomado hidratos, me dije, ... 1/2 rulo de galletas María (16 galletas) integrales gullon ... - 87k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

que galletas integrales recomendais para el desayuno? - Foro de ...- [ Translate this page ]Aug 23, 2007 ... Aptas sólo creo que son las María Ligera de Gullón, integrales, .... pescado como bacalao o lenguado o rape ... un par de veces a la semana ... - 114k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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Fabricas de España - GALLETAS GULLON, S.A.- [ Translate this page ]Galletas Gullón, S.A. es una empresa española del sector alimentación dedicada desde su fundación en 1892 a la fabricación de galletas. ... - 39k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Note added at 39 mins (2008-04-21 15:17:22 GMT)

The nearest thing I can think of here are "oyster" crackers which are small (but salted) crackers that are often put in clam chowder as a garnish (or served on the side).
Peer comment(s):

disagree Neil O'Mahony : Gullon is a surname as far as I can see, not a type of biscuit. I've even searched for cuisine terms, but I don´t have a culinary dictionary to confirm. I think it's just an invented name, as chefs are doing all the time!
7 hrs
Neil, it is clearly a surname - the name of the brand, but my suggestion was that it referred to a type of cracker manufactured by that company with that name.
Something went wrong...
9 hrs

Dos posibilidades

1.- ..., fish a la Gullón,...
Cena ofrecida por los Reyes de España recientemente.
Da a entender que fuera el nombre del Cheff que ha creado el plato, un tal Gullón.

Para empezar, los invitados podrán degustar como entrantes platos de jamón ibérico, minipizzas italianas, lenguado Gullón, Olivers (croquetas pequeñas) y ñoquis (pasta típica italiana, elaborada con patata). El primer plato estará formado por tartaleta de frutas del mar, con bogavante, seguido de capón como segundo plato, postre, pastelitos y tarta nupcial, todo ello con algún…
2.- Fish Boullion. (Fish soup)
Which is an hors d'oeuvre. Fish soup is always taken before the
main preparations so as to open up apetite.
Something went wrong...