Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 25 '19 jpn>eng 真似はできない (I) would not dare to easy closed no
- Nov 27 '19 jpn>eng 「あるある」も「モヤモヤ」も (Let’s share your,) “Yup, we all have experienced that,” “Me, too,” and that unsettling feeling. pro closed no
- Oct 7 '11 eng>jpn reach out and touch the world 腕を伸ばし、世界に触れる pro closed no
- Sep 10 '08 eng>jpn she was not sure about marriage 彼女は結婚に関して確信が持てませんでした。(の方) pro closed no
- Sep 10 '08 eng>jpn negotiation is enclosing literally 交渉がまとまってきている pro closed no
- Sep 10 '08 jpn>eng (baseball player's name)の敗戦処理 Making (the player) take responsibility of his/the defeat pro closed no
4 Sep 10 '08 jpn>eng 動きがカクカクする the movement is choppy (or not smooth) pro closed ok
4 Sep 2 '08 jpn>eng たるやすごかった The/his/her/their reaction was amazing. pro closed ok
- Aug 23 '08 eng>jpn by a process not U.S. licensed 合衆国により認可されていない過程により~ pro open no
- Aug 19 '08 jpn>eng 内枠 in the frame of Retirement Plan as an item... pro closed no
- Aug 19 '08 eng>jpn Kurosu クロス or  十字架 easy closed no
- Aug 18 '08 jpn>eng 永井が勝手にその方法であれば相談ができると考えているだけです。 It is only Nagai’s assumption (that the method is good because) using it (=the method), we can... pro closed ok
4 Aug 18 '08 eng>jpn whistle-blowing 笛を吹く easy closed ok
- Aug 7 '08 jpn>eng 非隋を受ける received disagreement pro just_closed no
- Aug 3 '08 jpn>eng 御校間 (His/her) (highly-appreciated) revewing pro just_closed no
- Aug 3 '08 eng>jpn Integrity in Everything We Do... It Starts with Me. 卓越こそわが社のすべて - そしてそれは私から始まる pro closed no
- Aug 2 '08 eng>jpn aesthetic responsibility 美的責任 pro open no
4 Jul 31 '08 jpn>eng 資産区分表 asset classification (table) pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '08 jpn>eng 養生 curing pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '08 jpn>eng ダコン 打痕 (hit mark) pro closed ok
4 Jul 4 '08 jpn>eng 直方支店 proper noun (Nogata Branch) pro closed ok
- Jul 4 '08 jpn>eng (財)XX 財団法人 (Foundation) pro closed no
- Jul 4 '08 eng>jpn gallows shift 交代でわずかな仮眠をとった pro closed ok
- Jul 1 '08 eng>jpn clear the way ~を達成するための障害を取り除く pro closed ok
- Jun 30 '08 eng>jpn たかが居酒屋、されど居酒屋 It’s just a Japanese-style pub but not your average Japanese-style pub. pro closed no
- Jun 28 '08 eng>jpn Endavour 努力 pro closed no
4 Jun 27 '08 jpn>eng トラブル時に対する復帰作業 Recovery actions, correctios and cleaning in case of error/failor pro closed ok
- Jun 27 '08 jpn>eng 1室の代行費用搬入搬出各$100 Surcharge for carrying in the works ... pro closed no
- Jun 26 '08 eng>jpn I will miss you あなたがいなくなると寂しくなる easy open no
- Jun 26 '08 jpn>eng 持ち出す bring out and check out pro closed ok
4 Jun 25 '08 jpn>eng 時々刻々の物事への意欲的な取り組みが、充実した日々をもたらす Timely and constant approach to the tasks with a high motivation will bring us fulfilling and reward pro closed ok
- Jun 23 '08 jpn>eng に選んでしまう cannot help choosing pro closed no
- Jun 23 '08 jpn>eng Aを、警告基準温度Aを閾値として判別し続ける。 keeps judging A with the warning standard temperature A as the (allowed) range pro closed no
4 Jun 23 '08 jpn>eng ゴ!ゴ!ゴラァァァァ! コラ!が訛ったものでは? pro closed ok
- Jun 22 '08 jpn>eng 原則要件化 Basically to be made requisition easy closed no
- Jun 21 '08 jpn>eng 戦略病院 Strategic Hospital pro closed ok
- Jun 20 '08 eng>jpn Filled 中身入り pro closed no
4 Jun 15 '08 jpn>eng Aは、BとCとを共役関係としており A has (a) conjugate relation with B and C pro closed ok
4 Jun 15 '08 jpn>eng 具殻 Typo of seashell(s) pro closed no
- Jun 14 '08 eng>jpn unexpected 予想外の pro closed ok
4 Jun 14 '08 jpn>eng ベロニーテ型火山 Belonite or volcanic spine pro closed ok
- Jun 13 '08 jpn>eng 作用溶液 action solution pro just_closed no
4 Jun 13 '08 jpn>eng Aは、BとCと、から として定義される A can be defined as the result (or calculation) of B and C. pro closed ok
4 Jun 13 '08 jpn>eng 限定張地 Limited edition upholstery material pro closed ok
- Jun 12 '08 jpn>eng 水商売 Both Water Business and Hostess Club Business easy closed ok
- Jun 12 '08 jpn>eng 日に新たであるためには to seize the day/ to "carpe diem" pro closed no
4 Jun 11 '08 jpn>eng アクリル酸重合体部分ナトリウム塩架橋物 sodium salt cross-linkage in the acrylic acid polymerization pro closed ok
4 Jun 10 '08 jpn>eng xxxについて、一筆認めたいと思います Let me drop you a line on XXX pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '08 jpn>eng AはCを介しBの反対側に位置する。 A is (located) at the opposite side across C easy open no
4 Jun 7 '08 jpn>eng 南4.5帖, 北4.5帖 6帖(吊床) -- Re: wiring on electrical panel 床の間の一種 pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered