Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 23 '08 eng>ara success fees أتعاب النجاح في إنجاز المهمة easy open no
- Mar 13 '08 eng>ara captive insurance companies شركات التأمين المتعثـّرة pro open no
4 Mar 12 '08 eng>ara tax heaven ملاذ ضريبي pro closed ok
- Feb 28 '08 ara>eng قروض واجبة السداد overdue loans pro closed ok
4 Jan 22 '08 ara>eng طالبة التأهيل في المناقصة applicant companies pro closed ok
- Jan 13 '08 eng>ara some of their closest ties بعض من أوصر الصلات مع pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '08 eng>ara reinstated a dividend بدأت في توزيع الأرباح من جديد pro closed ok
4 Jan 8 '08 ara>eng سندات تحصيل bills of exchange pro closed ok
4 Dec 18 '07 eng>ara Retention of title الاحتفاظ بالملكية pro closed ok
3 Dec 9 '07 eng>ara top end of the market شريحة الأثرياء / الشريحة الثرية pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '07 eng>eng Tax qualification tax acceptability OR tax claim-ability pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '07 eng>ara the value of outputs and the value of inputs قيمة المدخلات وقيمة المخرجات pro closed no
- Oct 22 '07 eng>ara budget heads مجالات الموازنة الرئيسية easy closed ok
4 Sep 29 '07 eng>ara Corporate Finance Department إدارة (قسم) تمويل (أو قروض) الشركات pro closed no
4 Jul 23 '07 ara>eng المستندات النظامية official documents easy closed ok
- Jul 12 '07 eng>ara charge to tax تستوجب دفع الضرائب pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '07 ara>eng التوطين البنكي banking details pro closed ok
4 Jun 11 '07 ara>eng صناديق البريد Yes pro closed no
3 Jun 7 '07 eng>ara new block order أمر جديد بتجميد الحساب pro closed no
4 Jun 4 '07 eng>ara Blocked Amount قيمة غير متاحة pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '07 eng>ara exchange trend اتجاه سعر تحويل العملة pro closed ok
4 Jun 4 '07 eng>ara Batch Money Transfer دفعة انتقال الأموال pro closed no
4 Jun 4 '07 eng>ara last distributed profit shares حصص الأرباح الموزعة مؤخرًا pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '07 eng>ara My Assets أصولي ـ ممتلكاتي pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '07 eng>ara account type: Participation نوع الحساب: مشاركة pro closed ok
- Apr 16 '07 eng>ara cross reference يطابق (أو يضاهي) ... مع ـ easy closed ok
- Apr 11 '07 eng>ara The Financial Community مجتمع المستثمرين pro just_closed no
4 Feb 14 '07 ara>eng الرفع المساحي surveying pro closed no
4 Feb 9 '07 eng>ara industry-leading margins هوامش الربح السائدة في المجال pro closed no
4 Jan 18 '07 eng>eng payroll account Dedicated bank account for payroll (salaries) pro closed ok
- Jan 13 '07 ara>eng ليرة إنكليزية، إنكليزيات Sterling pound pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered