Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Dec 5 '07 rus>eng Как разведенный Исайкин «развел» Киву how Isaikin, the divorce´, took Kiva to the cleaners. pro closed no
4 Nov 6 '07 rus>eng в сокровищницу достижений науки (the first such honor) to be placed into the annals of Ukrainian scientific achievement. pro closed no
4 Oct 13 '05 rus>eng Teacher will turn around, so we don’t have to do much. The teachers switch rooms over the course of the day, so we don't have to move much. pro closed no
- Jun 25 '04 rus>eng разорвал пальцами бумажку на фильтре, оторвал от него половину tore open the paper wrapping the filter, and tore out half of the filter pro closed no
- Apr 6 '04 rus>eng закрытость closed-off pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered