Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 8 '03 eng>fra as of à partir du 10/10/2002 easy closed ok
4 Sep 24 '02 eng>fra required requise easy closed ok
- Sep 23 '02 fra>eng tarif de bouclage completion price, completion fare pro closed ok
- Sep 12 '02 eng>fra claptrap âneries, baratin easy closed ok
4 Sep 2 '02 eng>fra drugs and medicines médicaments easy closed ok
- Sep 2 '02 eng>fra codeshare partage de code pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '02 eng>fra web farm parc web easy closed ok
- Aug 27 '02 fra>eng cautions et garanties de la société mère deposits and warranties of the parent company easy closed no
4 Aug 27 '02 eng>fra rotating beacons and xenon beacons gyrophares pro closed ok
- Jan 31 '02 eng>fra APD Tax ADP tax --> taxe Aéroport de Paris easy closed ok
- Jan 31 '02 eng>fra conveyancer notaire pro closed ok
4 Jan 31 '02 fra>eng Etat civil civil status easy closed ok
- Jan 31 '02 ell>eng stauros stake / pole easy open no
- Jan 30 '02 fra>eng aeronefs aircrafts easy closed ok
- Jan 29 '02 fra>eng International communications manager Responsable des relations internationales easy closed no
- Jan 29 '02 eng>fra USE CURRENT Page actuelle easy open no
- Jan 29 '02 eng>fra VACATION TRACKING AND REQUESTS gestion des congés easy closed ok
- Jan 29 '02 eng>fra intimate profond pro closed ok
4 Jan 29 '02 fra>eng couverture social social security cover easy closed ok
- Jan 28 '02 eng>fra fall short manquer à easy closed no
4 Jan 28 '02 eng>fra computer literacy connaissances informatiques easy closed ok
2 Jan 28 '02 eng>fra eyepiece barrel diameter diamètre du porte-oculaire pro closed ok
3 Jan 28 '02 fra>eng pré-contrôle technique pre-MOT test pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '02 eng>fra account manager chef comptable easy closed no
- Jan 28 '02 eng>fra clean sheet page blanche pro closed no
- Jan 28 '02 eng>fra PA support "giving PA support" --> assister le/la secrétaire de direction pro closed no
- Jan 28 '02 fra>eng s'engager I have to leave France at the end of the contract with the company easy closed ok
4 Jan 28 '02 eng>fra port and services tax taxe portuaire pro closed ok
- Jan 27 '02 fra>eng Chef-lieu de canton the canton's administrative city easy closed ok
4 Jan 27 '02 eng>fra warner saison plus chaude easy closed ok
- Jan 28 '02 eng>fra go live date Date de prise d'effet pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '02 eng>fra informationnal decision package kit d'information easy closed ok
- Jan 28 '02 fra>eng charger la barque load the boat pro closed no
3 Jan 27 '02 eng>fra the former/the later Les uns / les autres pro closed ok
- Jan 25 '02 eng>fra of counsel, instructed by de la défense pro closed ok
- Jan 24 '02 fra>eng cooptation co-option easy closed ok
- Jan 25 '02 fra>eng Personnes morales artificial person pro closed ok
- Jan 25 '02 fra>eng INSEE INSEE (French national institute of statistics and economic studies) pro closed no
- Jan 25 '02 fra>eng charge patronale employer's social security contributions pro closed ok
4 Jan 25 '02 eng>fra picker le chariot pro closed no
- Jan 25 '02 fra>eng omelette plate flat omelette easy closed no
4 Jan 24 '02 ell>eng εκτελωνιστής customs clearer / broker easy closed no
- Jan 24 '02 fra>eng tribunal de premiere instance higher level court easy closed ok
3 Jan 24 '02 fra>eng appel interjeté in view of the appeal lodged on ... pro closed ok
2 Jan 24 '02 fra>eng salle solennelle solemn courtroom pro closed ok
2 Jan 24 '02 fra>eng a point nomme at the right moment / at the right time pro closed ok
3 Jan 24 '02 eng>fra heater four pro closed ok
- Jan 24 '02 eng>fra Coaching suivi personnalisé easy closed ok
- Jan 24 '02 fra>eng bourse des locaux grant for business premises easy closed no
3 Jan 24 '02 eng>fra private listening Pour une écoute au casque easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered