Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 15 '12 gae>eng Bíodh muinín agat have confidence pro closed ok
4 Feb 17 '10 deu>deu Sein vs. Werden sind = Vergangenheit pro closed no
- May 11 '09 deu>deu Ein Update ist mir den Aufwand nicht wert. einfach erklärt pro closed no
4 Mar 23 '09 eng>deu pertaining die sich beziehen auf / die betreffen pro closed no
- Feb 1 '09 eng>deu language solutions Wir sind die Sprachexperten easy closed no
4 Dec 12 '08 deu>deu Zu viele Wünsche erfüllt zu bekommen, ist nicht gesund. kein Komma pro closed ok
4 Oct 15 '08 eng>eng Catalan or Catalonian Catalan pro closed no
- Oct 11 '08 eng>eng what's happening (structure) what's happening / what is happening easy closed no
4 Aug 5 '08 eng>eng in Monday´s newspaper an article printed/reproduced/found in Monday's newspaper easy closed ok
- Mar 18 '08 deu>deu zurückzuerstatten oder zurück zu erstatten beides möglich pro closed no
2 Jan 27 '08 eng>eng wardrobe clothes easy closed no
- Jun 23 '07 eng>eng why without "on" there should be an "on" in this context pro closed no
- Jun 3 '07 eng>urd I miss you easy closed no
- Apr 25 '07 eng>eng the history of China or the Chinese history History of China pro closed no
4 Apr 4 '07 deu>deu einemillionste oder einmillionste einmillionste pro closed ok
4 Feb 20 '07 deu>eng Curricula/ abbilden curriculum programmes (of study) reflect pro closed no
- Jan 3 '07 deu>eng qualifizierte deutsche Sprache professional German pro closed ok
4 Sep 2 '06 eng>eng arrive to wrong grammar for easy closed no
4 Jun 17 '06 deu>deu Ybbsitz (Ausssprache) Ibbsitz easy closed no
3 May 29 '06 eng>deu -Sicherheitsfrage- that opens pro closed no
- Apr 18 '06 eng>eng "Sport Nutrition" sports nutrition pro closed ok
4 Apr 5 '06 eng>eng I had never seen such a thing in my life before I had never seen such a thing before in my life pro closed no
- Mar 10 '06 deu>eng Schwarz auf Weiß We are going to give you that in writing. pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '06 eng>eng Embassy and Ambassy no, it's not, it's *e*mbassy pro closed no
- Jan 15 '06 deu>deu 10er Schritte/ 10er-Schritte 10er-Schritte pro closed ok
4 Dec 20 '05 deu>eng 18. März depends easy closed no
- Nov 20 '05 deu>deu Oliver Neuville (Aussprache) Nöwill easy closed no
- Nov 6 '05 eng>eng the yet-to-be-submitted declarations the hitherto unsubmitted declarations pro closed ok
- Jun 26 '05 eng>gai health sláinte pro open no
- Jun 10 '05 eng>eng to vs. for (preposition usage) for imitating easy closed ok
4 May 14 '05 deu>eng einstecken had to accept defeat pro closed no
- May 13 '05 eng>eng security clearances checked that this person does not pose a risk pro closed no
4 May 6 '05 deu>deu konflikthaft konfliktbeladen pro closed no
4 May 5 '05 deu>deu erster und einziger hier soll stark hervorgehoben werden, wie wichtig diese Liebe ist pro closed no
4 Apr 29 '05 deu>eng sofern unless it is.. easy closed no
- Mar 20 '05 eng>eng built-up plus the experience made/gathered pro closed no
- Feb 21 '05 deu>deu Genitiv bei einem auf "s"-endenden Familiennamen ohne Apostroph pro closed no
- Jan 28 '05 eng>eng late arrival late arrival of documents pro closed no
4 Oct 30 '04 eng>kor good morning s.b. easy closed no
4 Oct 26 '04 deu>eng früher Homburg formerly Homburg easy closed ok
- Oct 22 '04 deu>eng können (here) This may be of utmost importance, pro closed no
- Oct 20 '04 eng>gae only God can judge me Ní féidir ach le Dia breithiúnas a dhéanamh orm easy open no
- Sep 9 '04 deu>deu Komma nach "Hallo" und "Gruß"? Kein Komma in beiden Fällen easy closed no
- Aug 30 '04 eng>gae mortgage manor Mainéar Morgáiste easy open no
4 Aug 15 '04 deu>eng Nachfolge (here) follow-on product pro closed ok
- Jun 28 '04 eng>eng ferroviary by rail pro closed no
- Jun 12 '04 gae>eng cé maithfioh dóibh who indulges/releases them easy closed no
4 May 14 '04 deu>eng wüst fluchend cursing like hell pro closed no
- Jul 7 '03 fra>deu trouvailles syntaxiques für seine Unterstützung beim pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered