Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jun 22 '16 eng>deu nose wear Umlenksternverschleiss pro closed no
4 Jun 22 '16 eng>deu teeth Schneidezähnen pro closed no
- Feb 27 '16 eng>deu deformable body verformbare Körper pro just_closed no
- Jan 10 '16 deu>eng Wurf fold pro closed no
4 Jul 28 '15 deu>eng Unwucht imbalance pro closed no
4 Aug 7 '14 eng>fra squire square pro closed no
- Apr 27 '12 deu>eng zusammengefasst integrated into/used in conjunction with pro closed ok
- Jan 26 '12 deu>eng Schwinge oscillator / vibration system pro just_closed no
- Jun 9 '11 deu>eng Spezialistentum although engineered to comply with the most exacting standards pro closed ok
4 May 6 '11 deu>eng V-Lager V-mounts pro closed no
4 Mar 25 '10 fra>eng dispositif de rupture de vide vacuum breaker device pro closed no
4 Jan 26 '10 deu>eng Präzisionsmaschinenbau precision mechanical engineering pro closed ok
4 Nov 24 '09 deu>eng Einsteck-Winkel-Verbinder plug-in elbow connector pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '09 deu>eng schlauriß Schlauchriß pro just_closed no
4 Dec 20 '08 deu>eng Schockprüfanlage shock test unit/facility/plant/equipment/rig/installation/stand pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '08 deu>eng außer Eingriff gerät loses traction/contact pro closed no
- Dec 12 '08 deu>eng Schienensägebohranlage cutting rail saw unit pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '08 deu>eng Dichtigkeit influences the propensity of the pump to leak pro closed ok
4 Dec 5 '08 deu>eng Wachsanteile high grade sythetic materials with wax pro closed ok
- Dec 5 '08 deu>eng laufende Unterhaltspflege everyday floor care pro just_closed no
- Oct 20 '08 deu>eng verkehrsrechtlich as regards traffic regulations pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '08 deu>eng Einzelherstellung made-to-order / single-order production pro closed no
- Jun 25 '08 eng>deu Acquit Function Quittungsfunktion pro closed ok
4 Jun 20 '08 deu>eng Seilsäge wire saw pro closed no
- Jun 4 '08 deu>eng Kraftkopplungen power couplers pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '08 eng>eng coverage can be used for a broad range of applications pro closed no
4 Mar 12 '08 eng>eng at the origin defects due to faulty manufacturing pro closed no
4 Feb 27 '08 deu>eng Zerspanungsmechaniker set-up man for automatic lathes pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '08 eng>eng Protection against odour: odor that might come from the floordrain pro closed ok
4 Feb 24 '08 deu>eng Kernring core ring/loop/collar/band pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '08 deu>eng Rohrspanner pipe tightener pro closed ok
4 Feb 13 '08 deu>eng Fußstück base pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '08 deu>eng Mindestzulauftiefe minimum inlet opening pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '08 deu>eng Kulissenschieber scene shifter pro closed ok
4 Feb 12 '08 fra>eng coulage before sinking (the cables) pro closed ok
4 Dec 5 '07 deu>eng Nachsetzschaltung for starters here's what Ernst offers for "nachsetz" pro closed ok
- Nov 17 '07 deu>eng Aufsatznippel yoke nipple pro open no
4 Nov 15 '07 deu>eng Schienbandsägemaschine bandsaw machine for cutting rails pro closed no
- Nov 14 '07 deu>eng Steckgeschosse loaded bullets pro closed no
- Nov 13 '07 deu>eng diese Maschine bringt nichts aus dem Takt this machine does it all pro closed no
- Oct 31 '07 deu>eng Technik rund um Schrauben from bolts to rivets pro closed ok
4 Oct 24 '07 deu>eng Mitnehmer Routledge says pro closed no
- Oct 2 '07 deu>eng Abfrage scan pro just_closed no
- Jun 6 '07 deu>fra Umflutbecken bassin de réception / réservoir pro closed no
3 May 25 '07 eng>fra eve vent eave vent pro closed ok
- Apr 23 '07 fra>eng agrégats aggregate / unit pro closed no
4 Apr 18 '07 deu>fra Dichtung sans joint pro closed ok
- Mar 2 '07 fra>eng bagassière bagasse processor pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '06 deu>eng Kreuzungsradius crossing radius pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '06 fra>eng camion-grue truck mounted crane pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered