Asked | Open questions | Answered
Date Pair Term Level Status Answers (undeclined) Gloss
Aug 4 '02 eng>fra the cost benefits pro closed 3 ok
Jul 12 '02 eng>fra surveillance system of a multi-wavelength ring network pro closed 1 ok
Jul 12 '02 eng>fra wawelength multiplexed pro closed 1 ok
Jul 11 '02 eng>fra and a drive (7) for the agitating member pro closed 2 ok
Jul 11 '02 eng>fra Grinding device / to be ground in the form of flowable pro closed 2 ok
Jul 11 '02 eng>fra Grinding device / to be ground in the form of flowable pro closed 2 ok
Jul 11 '02 eng>fra network processing means pro closed 4 ok
Jul 11 '02 eng>fra add-drop multiplexers / nodes pro closed 2 ok
Jul 11 '02 eng>fra multi-wavelength ring network pro closed 2 ok
Jun 26 '02 eng>fra . Matchcode search is available for this field. pro closed 3 ok
Jun 6 '02 fra>heb Fidelisation de la clientele pro closed 1 ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered