Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 26 '06 eng>fas rule of law قاعدۀ قانونی، حکومت قانون، تساوی افراد در برابر قانون easy closed ok
4 Nov 26 '06 eng>fas cronyism رفیق بازی، پارتی بازی easy closed ok
4 Feb 1 '06 eng>fas President's Pep Talk for GOP. sokhanrAniye hayajAn barangiz/shoor angiz/tahiijiye re'is jomhoor barAye hezbe jomhoori khAhe AmrikA pro closed no
3 Jun 11 '05 eng>fas opinion-molders of the society sAzandegAn/shekl dahandegAne afkAre omoomiye jAme'e pro closed no
- May 28 '05 eng>fas Hameye Zendaniane Siasi Azad Shodand. All political prisoners were released. easy closed ok
4 Jan 21 '05 fas>eng rAi-zan counsel(l)or easy closed no
4 Jan 3 '05 fas>eng Tarhe Khavare Mianeye Bozorg Greater Middle East Plan pro closed ok
4 Dec 12 '04 eng>fas US Iraqi base PAygAhe niroohAye AmrikA'ei va arAghi, pAygAhe AmrikA'eihA va arAghihA, easy closed no
4 Nov 21 '04 eng>fas freelance AzAd, mostaghel easy closed no
4 Nov 15 '04 eng>fas away fAseleye eshgh bA doosti tanhA yek boose ast easy closed no
4 Nov 15 '04 eng>fas not nor eshgh mAlek nist o dar tamallok ham nist easy closed no
4 Nov 15 '04 eng>fas casting eshghe rAstin miderakhshad bi Anke sAye bi'afkanad easy closed no
4 Nov 14 '04 eng>fas norm hanjAr, me'yAr easy closed no
4 Nov 14 '04 eng>fas little sign of that neshAne koochaki dAl bar in amr mibAshad easy closed no
- Nov 14 '04 eng>fas astrikes Do you mean strike? easy closed no
4 Nov 14 '04 eng>fas masrafe dakheili domestic consumption easy closed no
4 Nov 13 '04 eng>fas not a secret in ham mozoo'e mahramAne'ei nist, in ham bar kasi pooshideh nist easy closed no
4 Nov 13 '04 eng>fas among others bA riski ghAbel molAheze barAye mA va hamchenin digarAn easy closed no
4 Nov 13 '04 eng>fas intellectual history pishineh/tArikhe rovshanfekri/kheradvarzi easy closed no
4 Nov 13 '04 eng>fas Flaw adopting contrubutes in eirAd rA dArad ke paziresh (mas'alleh) .... easy closed no
4 Nov 13 '04 eng>fas holy war jange moghaddas/mazhabi easy closed no
4 Nov 13 '04 eng>fas self_indulgence khod kAmegi, lezzat joo'ei, havas rAni easy closed no
4 Nov 13 '04 eng>fas depth dagigh, mashrooh, mofassa, zharfkAvAneh easy closed no
4 Nov 12 '04 eng>fas is yet to comment hanooz ez hAre nazar nakarde ast easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng tarhe melliye daamo marta' national project of livestock and pasture easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng maeishati related to living , concerning living easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng garde melli national guard easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng mahafele omoomi public circles/forums easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng etfaaye harigh fire extinguishing easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng be tasvir keshidan illustrate, demonstrate, dramatize easy closed no
- Nov 8 '04 fas>eng zood hengaam early easy closed no
- Nov 8 '04 fas>eng mavadde zaaye' wastes, waste materials, wastage easy closed ok
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng mokhate majari mucus of the canals easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng dastgahe ejraei executive organization/estabishment easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng rah dari The Organization of Urban Development and Road Keeping easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng tashilate banki bank facilities easy closed no
- Nov 8 '04 fas>eng germe goosh ear germ easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng majaariye goosh ear canal easy closed no
- Nov 8 '04 fas>eng masnad seat (of power) easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng motekhasese goosho halgho bini otorhinolaryngologist, otolaryngologist, ENT specialist easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng tarhe nosaziye otobooshaye mosaaferi renovation project for passenger buses easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng ravabete omoomi public relations easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng navgaane omoomi public (transportation) fleet easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng moavene hoghooghi va omoore majles the deputy of legal and parliamentary affairs easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng farshe machini machine-made/machine-woven carpet easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng angali,bacteriaei viral, parasitic, bacterial easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng far aavardehaye biologic biologic products easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng raftaare namonaseb inappropraite behavior easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng aahan aalaat ironware easy closed no
4 Nov 8 '04 fas>eng sard khaane cold store easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered