Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 5 '10 chi>eng The chinese character is 夕 but on top there is a 一 - a straight line across. gangster, outlaw (歹徒) pro closed no
4 Dec 22 '09 chi>eng 有机化工专业 Organic Chemical Engineering pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '09 chi>eng 正修 Please see the explanation below. pro closed no
- Nov 12 '09 eng>chi critical inquiry 批判性探讨; 批评探索; 批判探究 pro closed ok
4 Nov 12 '09 eng>chi Content Teachers 学科老师 pro closed ok
- Nov 11 '09 eng>chi per 根據, 依據 pro closed ok
4 Jul 25 '09 eng>chi limited achievement /very limited achievement 直译:取得的成就有限、取得的成就十分有限;其它译法:尚可、普通、一般、中等/不佳、欠佳、待加强、待改善 pro closed no
4 May 28 '09 eng>chi Vice Chancellor & President (in a university) 校長 pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '09 eng>chi reporting categories 學力測驗報告類別 pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '09 eng>chi noncontributory health history 無 (清楚) 記錄的健康病史 pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '09 eng>chi Following teacher-guided presentation and reading 跟隨 (or 遵循) 老師所引導(or指導)而針對..學習上台報告與閱讀 pro closed ok
4 Feb 12 '09 eng>chi a chart requiring patterns and symbolism elements 內容需涵蓋圖形與符號元素的圖表 pro closed no
4 Feb 9 '09 eng>chi per memo 1258 依據第 1258 號備忘錄 pro closed ok
- Feb 1 '09 eng>chi advisory/senior seminar 輔導/專題研討 (或專題研究、專題討論) pro closed no
- Dec 14 '08 eng>chi connected discourse 連貫的論述 pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered