Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 12 '05 eng>fas greater amount karmozd-e... easy closed no
4 Mar 12 '05 eng>fas collect collect easy closed no
4 Mar 12 '05 eng>fas balance tarAz easy closed no
- Feb 14 '05 eng>eng refusals to supply customers black lists pro closed ok
- Dec 27 '04 eng>fas feasibility study Motale-e Emkan Sanji pro closed no
4 Dec 27 '04 eng>fas Buyback contract Gharar dad-e bei motaghabel pro closed no
4 Mar 8 '04 fas>eng entekhabe noe vasile haml,masire haml Selecting the transportation means, transportation route easy closed no
4 Mar 8 '04 fas>eng dar khateme,dar soorate tamayol,eghdame moghtazi at the end, should you wish to, suitable actions easy closed no
4 Mar 8 '04 fas>eng omoore bimeye kala, moareffi moshaverin Goods Insurance Issues, Introducing Consultants pro closed no
4 Mar 8 '04 fas>eng kashtiraniye mostaghim Direct Shipping Lines easy closed no
- Mar 8 '04 fas>eng gomrokate voroodi, gomrokate maghased Entering Customs , Destination Customs easy closed ok
4 Mar 8 '04 fas>eng service hamle hajim va terafiki Oversized Transportation Service easy closed no
- Dec 11 '03 eng>eng all prices are quote on Ex warehouse EXW - Ex Works - Ex Warehouse pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered