Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 15 '08 eng>chi 50 room nights 50晚客房 pro closed ok
- Aug 19 '08 chi>eng 倒淌河 back river pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '06 chi>eng 秦始皇兵马俑 Emperor Qin's Terracotta Army pro closed no
- Aug 31 '05 eng>chi CHAMPION HOST 冠军渊溯/之源 pro closed no
- Aug 31 '05 eng>chi For the young, and the young at heart, the Family Activity Area and Waterslide 对于年轻人和童心未泯者来说,家庭活动区和滑水项目。。。。。。 pro closed no
- Aug 31 '05 eng>chi Central to Nelson's beaches, wineries, airport, & three national parks 周围是/环有纳尔逊海滩、葡萄洒酿造厂、机场和三个国家公园 pro closed no
- Aug 25 '05 eng>chi Quick facts 快/速览;简介/况;要闻/览 pro closed no
- Apr 20 '05 eng>chi As close to the South Pole as you're ever likely to go 也许是你可能到达离南极最近的地方 pro closed no
- Apr 20 '05 eng>chi decadent delights 赏心美点 pro closed no
- Apr 15 '05 eng>chi Chef de Brigade 领班 easy open no
4 Apr 15 '05 eng>chi hands-on approach 实际/亲身体验 pro closed no
4 Apr 14 '05 eng>chi Kick back, relax and unwind 休息、松弛、放松 pro closed ok
- Apr 14 '05 eng>chi travelling on a budget 廉价旅行/省钱旅行/有限预算旅行 pro closed no
- Feb 12 '05 eng>chi here 游/到 pro closed no
- Dec 13 '04 chi>eng 内外公众 industrial and public visitors pro closed no
- Dec 13 '04 chi>eng 客源输出地 "major/key source of outbound tourists" 中国特色 pro closed no
- Nov 10 '04 eng>chi in a quiet backwater 平静水面上(的可能性亦有) easy closed ok
- Nov 10 '04 eng>chi carvery dinners carvery 式套餐 easy closed ok
- Nov 10 '04 eng>chi not quite wanting Your is quite good !!! easy closed ok
- Nov 10 '04 eng>chi low motel type property 低层汽车旅馆式房产 easy closed no
- Nov 9 '04 eng>chi off 靠近 easy closed no
- Nov 4 '04 eng>chi wrought iron balconies 锻铁阳台 easy closed ok
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi proofreading 酒店配有商务、会议、健身及娱乐等全套高档/先进设施。在为客人精心设计的豪华环境中您可以尽情享受、轻松 pro open no
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi proofreading right !!! 十分便捷 pro open no
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi stairs to the balcony floor. 有钢梯通往阳台 pro closed ok
4 Sep 30 '04 eng>chi face across 与人民广场遥遥相对, 在人民广场对面 pro closed no
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi in-house video 内部录像 pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi full panorama of exotic scenery 各种/种种/万种异域风景 pro open no
4 Sep 30 '04 eng>chi Regency Club floor 丽晶俱乐部会员 pro closed no
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi skyway 空中走廊 pro open no
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi proofread please 亦可:酒店是两幢现代建筑,桃红色外墙映衬着排排绿色玻璃窗 pro closed no
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi around by a lake 湖水碧波环绕 pro closed no
- Sep 30 '04 eng>chi an eye catching and charming place at the first glance 一眼看去就是一个抢眼迷人之处 pro closed no
4 Sep 30 '04 eng>chi flowing outside 店外翠竹婆娑(起舞之意)/翠竹起舞/翠竹摇曳/翠竹摇荡 pro closed no
- Sep 29 '04 eng>chi Club Ramada Rooms 華美達会所豪华房 = 专供会员的客房, 一般有价格和服务优惠 pro open no
- Sep 29 '04 eng>chi light dishes 輕食(Light Meal) pro open no
- Sep 29 '04 eng>chi fresh flower banquets (摆设着)鲜花花束/礼花(花团簇景) pro open no
- Sep 27 '04 eng>chi a combination of western luxurious and local tradition 同时提供西式高档菜肴/服务和本地传统美食 pro open no
- Sep 27 '04 eng>chi economic market area 紧邻经贸中心 pro open no
- Sep 27 '04 eng>chi international menu good translation !!! pro closed ok
4 Sep 27 '04 eng>chi surrounded by bosky landscape 酒店是一幢现代建筑,四周丛林美景环抱。 pro closed no
- Sep 27 '04 eng>chi simply decorated with local cultural settings. 有啥不通 !!!酒店大堂适中,装修简洁,颇具当地文化氛围 pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '04 eng>chi impressive with the high ceiling yours is very good !!! 大堂宽敞气派、屋顶高悬、装璜别致。 pro open no
- Sep 23 '04 eng>chi exceptional conditions 所有客房极佳/均为上乘 pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '04 eng>chi decorated with giant palms, marble floor. 数颗高大的棕榈树点缀其间,大理石铺地 pro closed no
- Sep 23 '04 eng>chi It is considered as 公认/视为(特级/四星酒店) pro closed no
- Sep 23 '04 eng>chi find much comfort and good service 尽享诸多舒适优质服务 pro closed no
4 Sep 23 '04 eng>chi Chinese food you are right !!! 中餐 pro closed no
- Aug 26 '04 chi>eng how to express "绝”?like “桂林四绝”! four unique attractions of Quilin pro closed no
- Aug 1 '04 eng>chi tender craft cruising Chinese pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered