Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 29 '12 ita>eng CUP project code pro closed ok
- Feb 27 '12 ita>eng F.C.I. ART. 7 TER DEL DPR 633/72 e successive modificazioni outside the scope of VAT under art... pro open no
- Jun 13 '10 ita>eng parta dal basso e diriga verso l'alto bottom-up pro closed ok
4 Jun 13 '10 ita>eng negroni Negroni pro closed ok
4 Dec 20 '08 eng>ita non-vacuum chamber applications applicazioni senza/che non utilizzano/non necessitano di camera a vuoto pro closed ok
4 Nov 19 '08 ita>eng sindaco della Liberazione mayor of the Liberation pro closed ok
4 Nov 3 '08 eng>ita discreteness capacità/proprietà distaccante pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '08 ita>eng mondanissima fashionable/trendy pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '08 eng>ita Certificate for accommodation (Rental Contract or Hostel Certificate) documentata disponibilità di alloggio pro closed ok
4 Oct 11 '08 ita>eng messo in rapporto al divario related to the gap... easy closed ok
4 Oct 11 '08 ita>eng si rifà alla portata di refers to the range/extent... easy closed ok
- Oct 11 '08 ita>eng in filigrana holding up to/against the light pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '08 eng>ita "environment city" città sostenibile pro closed ok
- Sep 25 '08 eng>ita a.l.t. avocado, lattuga e tutto il resto pro closed no
4 Sep 24 '08 ita>eng bello del vivere the beauty of life pro closed ok
4 Sep 12 '08 eng>ita Resource risorse di approfondimento/ulteriori approfondimenti pro closed ok
- Sep 11 '08 eng>ita positively con sicurezza/certezza pro just_closed no
4 Sep 4 '08 ita>eng degradazione (land) degradation pro closed ok
4 Aug 31 '08 eng>ita Professionals associated with the school professionisti/professionalità associati/in rapporto con la scuola pro closed ok
4 Aug 30 '08 eng>ita ... you name it. chi più ne ha più ne metta easy closed ok
4 Aug 19 '08 eng>ita Get Equal- Access Deakin cogli l'opportunità di accesso alla Deakin pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '08 ita>eng porticati attrezzati (full) equipped patio/veranda pro closed ok
4 Aug 17 '08 ita>eng piano camino fire slab pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '08 ita>eng valvola regolazione fumi regulator/control exhaust fumes valve pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '08 ita>eng raccoglibrace ember holder/brazier/brazier grill pro closed ok
4 Aug 16 '08 ita>eng griglia fuoco stampata in acciaio steel built-in fire grill pro closed ok
4 Aug 16 '08 ita>eng cornici battiporta door frame pro closed ok
4 Aug 16 '08 ita>eng piani fuoco refrattari fireproof/refractory cooktop pro closed ok
4 Aug 16 '08 ita>eng piano lavoro levigati finitura terrazzo terrazzo-like surface finished (dressed) worktop pro closed ok
4 Aug 13 '08 eng>ita admix alloy amalgama pro closed ok
- Jul 30 '08 ita>eng un baby baby darling pro closed ok
- Jul 30 '08 ita>eng mantello skirt pro just_closed no
4 Jul 29 '08 eng>ita mill fibre residui di lavorazione pro closed ok
4 Jul 29 '08 eng>ita empty fruit bunches residui di frutta pro closed ok
4 Nov 18 '07 eng>ita Food and Environmental Proficiency Testing Unit Food and Environmental Proficiency Testing Unit pro closed ok
- Oct 27 '07 eng>ita fixed-price property a canone fisso pro closed ok
4 Oct 19 '07 ita>eng Rim. Trailer pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '07 ita>eng rivestire since this difference is meaningful... pro closed ok
4 Oct 16 '07 ita>eng organizzazioni associative di categoria trade associations pro closed ok
- Oct 9 '07 ita>ita nel bene o nel male condividendone pregi e difetti pro closed no
- Oct 8 '07 ita>eng popolo di destra (o sinistra) people of the Right/Left pro closed ok
4 Oct 8 '07 ita>eng tutto interno a belongs completely pro closed ok
4 Oct 7 '07 ita>ita mirato ad arte preso di mira deliberatamente e con perizia pro closed ok
4 Oct 6 '07 eng>ita removal of its listings from rimozione delle sue pagine dagli indici di GoodSearch... pro closed ok
4 Oct 4 '07 eng>ita pitching fits uscire dai gangheri/perdere le staffe easy closed ok
4 Oct 1 '07 ita>eng brezza breeze pro closed ok
4 Sep 27 '07 ita>eng montante cieco Closed Upright pro closed ok
4 Sep 27 '07 ita>eng Lamiera cieca blind metal sheet pro closed ok
4 Sep 20 '07 ita>eng direttive di prodotto e sociali Product-Specific Directives pro closed ok
- Sep 14 '07 eng>ita delivery (in questo contesto) offerta formativa pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered