Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 12 '05 rus>eng безжизненно моталась из стороны в сторону rolled lifelessly from side to side pro closed no
- Apr 19 '05 rus>eng под их шепот succumbing to their rustling whisper pro closed no
- Feb 28 '05 rus>eng все может быть Could be pro closed ok
4 Feb 26 '05 eng>rus Translation of a Christian hymn Shall I send it to your e-mail address? pro closed no
4 Feb 16 '05 eng>rus Muffin the Mule "Ослик Маффин" pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '05 rus>eng взлететь (на дерево) the cat scurried up the tree easy closed no
4 Feb 16 '05 rus>eng приворотная трава love potion only (!) love herb is an aphrodysiac (not intended for children's literature) :) pro closed ok
4 Feb 1 '05 rus>eng Ветер нам дует в спину the wind is at our backs pro closed ok
4 Jan 30 '05 eng>rus Beware the radish communist Он "редиска" - сверху красный, а внутри белый. Маргариновый коммунист. pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '05 rus>eng по неосторожности падали в воду who accidentally fell into the water easy closed no
4 Jan 10 '05 rus>eng журавль (тот, с помощью которого набирали воду) Shadoof or Shaduf pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '05 eng>rus running-dog лакей pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered