Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

fruits tournants

English translation:


Added to glossary by Ken Fagan (X)
Nov 19, 2008 16:02
15 yrs ago
French term

fruits tournants

French to English Other Food & Drink mangos transported by ship
"Qu’après observation des fruits, il a été relevé que 39% des mangues étaient fermes, que 39 % des fruits étaient tournants et 22% des mangues étaient molles."

Proposed translations (English)
3 +4 ripening
3 +3 on the turn
4 softening
2 intermediate


Andrew Mason Nov 19, 2008:
On the turn Ken, Those who are suggesting ripening may well be right - it would depend on the fruit. But, I think it is true to say that 'On the turn' can be used in both senses.....

Proposed translations

5 mins


between not ripe and ripe

Note added at 9 mins (2008-11-19 16:11:37 GMT)

As Andrew Mason says it could also mean going off - is there more information in following sentences ?
Peer comment(s):

agree Colin Rowe : starting to ripen / starting to go soft
1 min
agree Rachel Fell : or maybe starting to turn ripe / turning ripe - logically it doesn't look in the sentence as if it means going off
52 mins
agree Sheila Wilson
3 hrs
agree Melissa McMahon : refs just just turning ripe
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks, Helen"
3 mins

on the turn

fruit that is going bad but not quite there yet, I think
Note from asker:
thank you, Andrew. There was not more info in the following sentences.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jean-Louis S. : Overripe but not spoiled/rotten yet?
7 mins
agree kashew
29 mins
agree John ANTHONY
2 hrs
neutral Melissa McMahon : I'm only familiar with this expression used for dairy - not sure it's the 'downward' slope either (cf. refs)
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
6 mins


Between mature and not ?
Note from asker:
thank you, Lionel
Something went wrong...
1 hr


A fruit that is showing maturing/ripening signs
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

43 mins

Meaning of tournant

I'm not so sure that "tournant" means almost over ripe:
see excerpt below, about pineaples:
On doit protéger les fruits contre les coups de soleil avant la maturité.
Pour l'industrie, on prend les fruits de 1,8 à 2 kg.
pour les fruits frais, on prend ceux de 1,3 à 1,5 kg.
Il est souhaitable alors de réduire artificiellement leur couronne.
La détermination du point de coupe est surtout importante pour l'exportation en fruits frais ; on se base sur la coloration de la peau et l'aspect de la chair (notion de maturité réelle).
Pour des raisons de facilité, on s'en tient à un critère de maturité "apparente" :
- fruits tournants : début de coloration jaune à la base du fruit ;
- fruits demi-mûrs : coloration à mi-hauteur ;
- fruits mûrs : coloration dépassant la mi-hauteur.

We know that fruit traveling from the production area to the zone of consumption is never ripe during transport, and that it ripens where it is consumed. almost sure it refers to a stage in the pre-ripening process before shipment...

Note added at 49 mins (2008-11-19 16:51:58 GMT)

autre référence, du raisin cette fois:
Goldrush®: amélioration de la coloration jaune par un affinage en cours de conservation
•Récolte le 29/10/07
•Tri en 2 catégories de coloration : fruits encore verts (1)fruits tournants (2)
(1)note d’environ 1.5 sur une échelle de 1 (vert) à7 (jaune d’or)
(2)note de 3 à3.5
•Conservation en froid normal à0-1°C jusqu’en février
Note from asker:
thank you, Anne
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Melissa McMahon : yes, I also think refs suggest just turning from underripe to ripe rather than from ripe to overripe
7 hrs
Thanks Melissa
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

Tournant: just ripening

Further to Anne's refs, more suggest this is the 'good' rather than the 'bad' side of the turn:

"bracanatu : bariolé. Se dit d'un fruit qui commence à mûrir (fruit tournant)"

"Pour le reste, contrairement à beaucoup d'autres légumes, les graines de tomates sont mature un peu avant la maturation du fruit.
Cela revient à dire que les graines prélevées sur un fruit "tournant" sont donc potentiellement viables."
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree sporran
2 hrs
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