Mar 30, 2004 16:50
20 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

mopping up

English to Spanish Other Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
"....competitive bidding will ensure that earnings from timber resources are optimized and provide a means of "mopping up" industry resource rent...."


Pablo Grosschmid Mar 30, 2004:
el entrecomillado apunta a sentido figurado, y realmente en el contexto no encaja ni absorber, ni limpiar ni eliminar, sino m�s bien aumentar o mejorar la renta del sector de los recursos madereros Mar 30, 2004:
context "Competitive bidding will ensure that earnings from timber resources are optimized and provide a means of "mopping up" industry resource rent and equitably distributing the incremental gains for the benefit of resource owners."

Thanks in advance for your help
Pablo Grosschmid Mar 30, 2004:
would need more context, it can mean several things

Proposed translations

5 mins


Falta la continuación del párrafo, pero muy posiblemente se refiera a "absorber" como cuando decimos que "el Banco Central debería emitir todos los pesos o euros necesarios para absorber el superávit comercial".

to mop up
: to take up or assimilate
<this contributes to antiinflation in that it mops up funds that might otherwise be paid out in higher wages and dividends -- W.H.Anderson>

<sales of assets will serve to mop up surplus credit>

Merriam-Webster Online


Note added at 34 mins (2004-03-30 17:24:55 GMT)

\"Competitive bidding will ensure that earnings from timber
resources are optimized and provide a means of \"mopping up\"
industry resource rent and equitably distributing the
incremental gains for the benefit of resource owners.\"

\"...y proporcionará un medio para absorber el superávit obtenido con los recursos de la industria y distribuir equitativamente...

En este caso, <rent> sería probablemente el >superávit o excedente operativo< (surplus above costs) del cual se habla en la siguiente definición de <rent>:

income or gain that is a differential return (as the excess of personal earnings of a producer of rare ability over those of an average producer) or as a surplus above costs <entrepreneur\'s rent denotes the profits of an ably managed ... enterprise, conceived of as a differential above the return secured by a marginal undertaking which is barely able to meet its costs.

Merriam-Webster Online
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4 mins


En sentido figurado

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To gather.
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