Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

mayoría calificada

English translation:

qualified majority

Added to glossary by SMLS
Mar 3, 2004 20:42
20 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Spanish term

mayoría calificada

Spanish to English Social Sciences Government / Politics
Hasta 1985, el partido siempre había conservado una mayoría calificada (superior al 66.6%) en la Cámara de Diputados.

Proposed translations

0 min

qualified majority

Peer comment(s):

agree Harvetta Asamoah :
0 min
agree Carley Hydusik
7 mins
agree Maurizio Valente
28 mins
agree Ernesto Samper Nieto
38 mins
agree Terejimenez
2 hrs
agree Chandler Thompson : I like super majority but wonder if m.c. mightn't refer in some way to a quaorum
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias"
7 mins
Spanish term (edited): mayor�a calificada

super majority

The Seattle Press - Super-Majority Protects Us From Runaway ...
... Super-Majority Protects Us From Runaway Property Taxes. ... These bills would toss out
our Constitution's validation and 60% vote requirements for approving excess ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

The Seattle Press: Super-Majority Protects Us From Runaway ...
Super-Majority Protects Us From Runaway Property Taxes. ... These bills would toss out
our Constitution's validation and 60% vote requirements for approving excess ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

... approval. Adopted in 1993, The following 13 states have introduced
legislation for a super-majority vote to increase taxes: Georgia, ... hju54049.000/hju54049_0T.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] CRS Report for Congress
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... Under Senate precedents, “[a] tie vote on a question defeats it.” Some super-majority
votes, however, are explicitly specified in the Constitution ... CRS%20reports/Super-Majority_Votes_in_the_Senate.pdf - Similar pages

Weirton Steel To Continue Survival Strategy Despite Vote Tally ...
Investor Relations Weirton Steel To Continue Survival Strategy Despite Vote
Tally; Super Majority Vote Not Attained To End Super Majority System. ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

... In reality, the super-majority vote for local school bonds has nothing
to do with the famous 1978 tax revolt measure. Rather, the ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

Simple Majority Vote
... This bill would allow school districts to pass school levies with a 50% "simple majority"
vote, instead of the current 60% "super majority" requirement (school ... - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Proposition 39: Relying on a "super-majority" to approve local ...
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... They say the proposition includes “rigid” audits, a “tough 55% super-majority
vote,” and “watchdog committees” empowered to “stop any project if ... - Similar pages

Simple-Majority Vote on School Bond Issues
... The petition campaign calls for a statewide vote on a constitutional ... the current state
constitution, school districts must win a "super majority" – either two ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Budget Gridlock: Rival Views on 2/3 Vote -- The Case for a Super ...
... Cal-Tax Home Page | About Cal-Tax | Subscribe. October 1998. State Budget, Budget
Gridlock: Rival Views on 2/3 Vote The Case for a Super Majority By Bill Leonard. ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

agree Ltemes : this is the correct one.
6 mins
Something went wrong...
1 hr
Spanish term (edited): mayor�a calificada

special majority

Just to offer a third option:-)

... Such 'special' (or 'qualified' or 'super') majority requirements are not uncommon... (from the article: "Special Majorities Rationalized")

By the way, in Spanish it is also common to say "mayoría cualificada".

There are thousand of examples of all three terms (qualified majority, super-majority, special majority) on the Internet, all meaning the same.

The epistemology of special majority voting (PDF)
Address for correspondence: ( until 30 August 2003) ( from 1 September 2003) C. ... The epistemology of special majority voting: Why the proportion is special only in special conditions ... 1The epistemology of special majority voting: Why the proportion is special ... - 231k - View as html

Special Majorities Rationalized (PDF)
... the less likely it can be secured. Special-majority rules ordinarily leave existing arrangements in place unless ... to change them. Hence special-majority rules of the sort with which ... - 330k - View as html - More pages from this site (PDF)
List 1 A New Proposal on Special Majority Voting1Christian List Abstract. Special majority voting is usually defined in terms of the proportion of the electorate required. for a positive decision. - 192k - View as html - More pages from this site

The Golan Heights and the Facts - A Special Majority and a Referendum: Democracy Bolstering Mechanisms
The Golan Heights and the Facts - A Special Majority and a Referendum: Democracy Bolstering Mechanisms. March 27, 2000. The following Full-Page Ad was published by The Ariel Center For Policy Research in Ha'aretz daily on March 21, 2000. ... The focus on Special Majority aims at a crucial process, which may determine ... - 7k - Cached

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