Translation glossary: Medical

Showing entries 1-22 of 22
Blutfettprofilprofil cholestérique 
German to French
Spanish to Italian
décalage horairejet lag 
French to English
Dit NOD2 gen codeert voor het eiwit NOD2Le gène NOD2 code pour la protéine NOD2 
Dutch to French
Dit NOD2 gen codeert voor het eiwit NOD2Le gène NOD2 code pour la protéine NOD2 
Dutch to French
drepanocytedrépanocyte, hématie falciforme 
English to French
genetische Fingerabdruckegenetic fingerprints 
German to English
goutte épaissethick drop 
French to English
Halteplattefixation flange 
German to English
microfold cellcellule M (membraneuse) 
English to French
nældefeberurticaria, nettle rash 
Danish to English
obliterazione subotalesubtotal obliteration 
Italian to English
Overactive BladderVessie hyperactive 
English to French
phosphodiesterase inhibitorinhibiteur de la phosphodiestérase 
English to French
sans hypoxie ou hypercapnieohne Hypoxie oder Hyperkapnie 
French to German
scorie metabolichedéchets métaboliques 
Italian to French
sinntragenden Genabschnittecoding strand, sense strand 
German to English
Spinalflüssigkeitcerebrospinal fluid, CSF 
German to English
English to French
steriod-elutingà diffusion de stéroïde 
English to French
thiomersal, polyhexanide, cremophor, poloxamerthiomersal, poliessanido, cremoforo, polossamero 
English to Italian
Wundwinkelwound angle 
German to English
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