Kim Metzger has earned KudoZ points by translating tough terms for fellow translators. Click a point total to see term translations provided.

KudoZ points
By language pair

Working languages highlighted.
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
Pair Points
German to English (1212) 22196
English to German (704) 2690
English (886) 2249
Spanish to English (105) 259
Italian to English (8) 144
German (16) 118
Spanish to German (8) 115
French to English (37) 99
English to Spanish (4) 91
German to French 79
German to Spanish 56
French to German 44
Italian to German (4) 36
German to Italian 32
Latin to English (8) 20
Portuguese to English (8) 19
English to French (8) 16
Swedish to English (4) 12
English to Italian 9
Spanish to French (4) 8
Dutch to English (8) 8
Spanish to Italian 4
Navajo to English 4
Spanish to Portuguese 4
Norwegian to English (4) 4
Portuguese to German 4
German to Polish 4
English to Portuguese (4) 4
French to Italian 4
Afrikaans to English 4
Dutch to German 4
Zulu to English 4
Cherokee to English 4
English to Malay (7) 0
Italian to Spanish (4) 0
English to Dutch (4) 0
Bulgarian to English (4) 0
Gaelic to English (4) 0
English to Indonesian (4) 0

KudoZ points
By field (general)

Working fields highlighted.
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
General Field Points
Tech/Engineering (270) 9960
Bus/Financial (313) 4843
Law/Patents (143) 4321
Social Sciences (182) 2197
Art/Literary (742) 2183
Medical (111) 1443
Marketing (237) 1231
Other (985) 1173
Science (76) 997

KudoZ points
By field (detailed)

Personal specialities highlighted (if reported).
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
Detailed Field Points
Construction / Civil Engineering (20) 1904
Law (general) (48) 1549
Law: Contract(s) (33) 1514
Education / Pedagogy (62) 1059
Mechanics / Mech Engineering (8) 1054
Business/Commerce (general) (70) 983
Automotive / Cars & Trucks (40) 655
Transport / Transportation / Shipping (16) 630
Finance (general) (20) 605
Poetry & Literature (72) 584
Medical (general) (51) 531
Human Resources (28) 531
Engineering (general) (4) 501
Architecture (16) 440
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.) 372
Government / Politics (19) 368
Linguistics (104) 354
Real Estate (28) 336
Engineering: Industrial 329
Furniture / Household Appliances (12) 314
Military / Defense (24) 313
Electronics / Elect Eng 288
Marketing (16) 282
Medical: Health Care (16) 280
History (20) 241
Accounting (12) 233
Insurance (19) 231
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings (59) 229
Medical: Pharmaceuticals (8) 227
Printing & Publishing (12) 214
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion (12) 209
Manufacturing (4) 204
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters (172) 200
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright 194
Forestry / Wood / Timber 190
Environment & Ecology (8) 190
Management (8) 189
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. (15) 185
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs (8) 183
Sports / Fitness / Recreation (8) 182
Law: Taxation & Customs (8) 177
Agriculture (1) 175
Cooking / Culinary (24) 169
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng (12) 162
Food & Drink (20) 160
Ships, Sailing, Maritime (12) 154
Tourism & Travel (28) 153
Livestock / Animal Husbandry (4) 142
Music (16) 134
Advertising / Public Relations (16) 128
Metallurgy / Casting 120
Energy / Power Generation (4) 117
Other (104) 115
Botany 113
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) (4) 107
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama (16) 105
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting (16) 103
Religion (12) 101
IT (Information Technology) (6) 98
Zoology (16) 95
Psychology (4) 88
Geography (4) 88
Telecom(munications) 85
Investment / Securities 80
Computers: Software (16) 80
Economics (8) 76
Computers (general) (12) 74
Medical: Instruments 74
Slang (8) 71
Mining & Minerals / Gems 65
Medical: Dentistry 64
Geology 63
Archaeology 62
Aerospace / Aviation / Space (4) 60
Journalism (52) 60
Media / Multimedia 56
SAP 46
Philosophy (4) 45
Cosmetics, Beauty (4) 44
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture (4) 42
Mathematics & Statistics (4) 41
Patents (4) 39
Internet, e-Commerce (3) 37
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) 31
International Org/Dev/Coop (4) 28
Medical: Cardiology 28
Paper / Paper Manufacturing 28
Nutrition (4) 24
Safety 24
Science (general) 23
Gaming/Video-games/E-sports (15) 22
Physics (8) 20
Anthropology (4) 20
Computers: Systems, Networks (1) 19
Retail (8) 16
Petroleum Eng/Sci 14
Genealogy 8
Metrology 8
Automation & Robotics 8
Genetics 8
Computers: Hardware 8
Fisheries 8
Folklore (8) 7
Esoteric practices 4
Astronomy & Space 4
Names (personal, company) (16) 4
Surveying 4
Nuclear Eng/Sci 4