Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 28 '15 deu>eng Löschraum extinguishing area/room pro closed ok
4 May 15 '15 deu>eng Standschaltschrank upright switch cabinet pro closed ok
- Apr 9 '15 deu>eng selbsterregte Motoren self excited engines pro closed no
4 May 23 '11 deu>eng E/A-Daten I/O data pro closed no
4 Apr 14 '11 deu>eng von einer externen SPS-Steuerung abgefragt queried by an external PLC controller pro closed no
4 Feb 8 '09 deu>eng HW, SW hardware, software pro closed no
4 Dec 14 '08 deu>eng Arbeiten unter Spannung working on live ... pro closed no
- May 28 '08 deu>eng Familienzuwachs mit System Sytematic / System-based growth pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '08 deu>eng Loop-Test zum MCC MCC loop test pro closed ok
4 Oct 18 '07 deu>eng brücken to bridge / here bridged pro closed no
- Oct 1 '07 deu>eng LWL-Kupplungen lichtlwellenleiter-kupplungen = beam/optical waveguid couplings/couplers pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '07 deu>eng getrennte Ausführung separate models pro closed ok
- Jul 10 '07 deu>eng Erweiterung expansion pro closed ok
- Jul 5 '07 deu>eng stationäre und nicht stationäre elektrische Prüfanlagen stationary and mobile pro closed no
4 Jun 6 '07 deu>eng Deutz leave Deutz pro closed ok
- May 3 '07 deu>eng Anströmverhalten contraflow behavio(u)r pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '07 deu>eng Bedienelement control element / manual control element pro closed no
4 Apr 9 '07 deu>eng Vor-Ort-Schalter local switch pro closed no
- Mar 30 '07 deu>eng Nullungsnachweis proof of zeroing pro closed ok
- Mar 24 '07 deu>eng Photohalbleiter photographic semiconductor pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '07 deu>eng Verwöhnkomfort nique indulgence pro just_closed ok
- Jan 20 '07 deu>eng Lüftstrom air flow / air current pro closed no
- Dec 13 '06 deu>eng nachführen to update pro just_closed no
2 Nov 28 '06 deu>eng SV-Netz Stromversorgungsnetz / Power supply network system pro closed no
4 Nov 19 '06 deu>eng eine doppelt ausgeführte Kabelverbindung cable connection with an additional safety line pro closed no
- Nov 16 '06 deu>eng Phasenschluss phase end pro closed ok
- Nov 5 '06 deu>eng ansteuern to trigger pro closed no
4 Nov 4 '06 deu>eng Zündkette explosive train pro closed no
- Jul 1 '06 deu>eng dem Rost zu Leibe zu rücken to put at arm's length pro closed no
- Jun 14 '06 deu>eng Wasserstoffkonzentrationmeldungen hydrogen concentration mechanism pro closed no
4 May 30 '06 deu>eng Blindgerät blind device pro closed ok
- May 21 '06 deu>eng Dauersignal permanent signal pro closed no
4 May 13 '06 deu>eng Nachspeisen feeding pro closed no
- Apr 21 '06 deu>eng Langfeldleuchte "Langfeld" light pro closed no
- Mar 27 '06 deu>eng Drehfeldkontrolle rotary field control pro closed ok
- Feb 27 '06 deu>eng Schutzeinrichtung schließen connect the protective device pro closed no
- Jan 31 '06 deu>eng LAN-Stromanschluss Local Area Network /LAN power supply pro just_closed no
- Jan 29 '06 deu>eng l.k in Kürze pro closed no
3 Jan 25 '06 deu>eng Epitaxieanlage epitaxy system pro closed ok
4 Jan 9 '06 deu>eng Eingänge inputs easy closed ok
3 Jan 5 '06 deu>eng Lötung soldering pro closed ok
- Nov 11 '05 deu>eng Schrittverlust signal loss pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '05 deu>eng Blende screen pro closed no
- Oct 24 '05 deu>eng Halbbildreihenfolge frame series pro closed ok
- Oct 5 '05 deu>eng Ein Los starten starting a lot pro closed no
- Oct 4 '05 deu>eng Dreiphasen-Kapazitätsleistung three-phase power pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '05 deu>eng elektrotechnischer Ausbau electrotechnical expansion pro closed ok
- Aug 25 '05 deu>eng (Elektrischen) Kontakt unterbrechen to break pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '05 deu>eng Anlagenverfügbarkeiten system availability pro closed no
- Jul 6 '05 deu>eng schaltet das Netzteil kurz aus switches off... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered