Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

cellula troncale

English translation:

stem cell

Added to glossary by Daniel Frisano
Feb 22, 2009 14:09
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term

cellule troncali

Italian to English Other Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
L'equipe analizza le alterazioni nel genoma quando la cellula troncale inizia a specializzarsi, l'altra equipe opera nella formazione di neuroni da usare in terapie contro le lesioni midollari.

article on stem cell research/production of new stem cell lines
Proposed translations (English)
2 +3 stem cells
3 progenitor cells
Change log

Feb 26, 2009 13:11: Daniel Frisano Created KOG entry


Mirra_ Feb 22, 2009:
ooops SORRY Michael I mispelled your name (and your gender as well! :)

I think you're right, I add a link to my reference that perhaps you could find interesting to read :)
Michael Mottola (asker) Feb 22, 2009:
not sure I'm not sure which one to go with here, they all seem like likely choices. The article is not too specific, it's only a paragraph on the first stem cell lines produced in Brazil. No mention is made to any other specific types of cells in the article, and the text refers only to stem cells, but I'm not sure why they would go from using cellule staminali in the entire article to cellula troncale in the final sentence if they did not mean something else? why wouldn't they have used cellule progenitori if that's what they meant? So basically, context makes me think stem cells, but my inuition makes me believe that they are referring to something else.
Mirra_ Feb 22, 2009:
Cara Michela, non so se hai già letto tutti i vari interventi e quindi intuito che la questione è un po' complicata e molto confusa :) Si potrebbe avere un po' più di contesto in maniera di potere capire realmente almeno l'origine di queste cellule?grazie

Proposed translations

3 mins

stem cells

Never heard of, and it lacks references. I'd say it's in turn a bad translation from "stem cells". Of course the correct form would be "cellule staminali".
Peer comment(s):

agree SJLD : exactly - source text quotes a Brazilian publication
11 mins
neutral Lirka : maybe, however, they meant the "progenitor cells"; there's a slight difference
21 mins
agree Lionel_M (X) : Questo è scritto meglio mi pare...
2 hrs
agree Mirra_ : mmm not sure of your motivations ;)) ANYWAY ah-ehm You WON!!!!élulas_tronco
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everyone for your help and research!"
26 mins

progenitor cells

Maybe that's what they meant.

Note added at 1 hr (2009-02-22 15:15:53 GMT)

Here's a reference from Wikipedia:

"Most progenitors are described as unipotent or multipotent. In this point of view, they may be compared to adult stem cells. But progenitors are said to be in a farther stage of cell differentiation. They are in the “center” between stem cells and fully differentiated cell."
Peer comment(s):

neutral Mirra_ : sorry, I don't think so: if you deal with progenitor cells you usually specify the cell line they will generate. And, this is not hte case of the present KudoZ.
4 hrs
no problem--you may disagree or be neutral :)
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Reference comments

17 mins

bad translation from Portguese

células tronco - stem cells ( translation glossary) genetics ...(KudoZ) Portuguese to English translation of células tronco: stem cells [genetics - Genetics (Medical)].�lu...

Note added at 39 mins (2009-02-22 14:48:16 GMT)

Here's another bad translation, from Spanish (células troncales):
Il testo proibisce però la clonazione umana e la creazione di embrioni destinati alla ricerca utilizzando quelle tecniche atte ad ottenere cellule troncali embrionali umane, utilizzabili solo a scopo terapeutico e investigativo, senza comportare la creazione di un pre-embrione.

Note added at 1 hr (2009-02-22 15:33:26 GMT)

Stem cells, or trunk cells, have been classified into two. groups. Embryonary stem cells ... versial task as stem cell research should be carried out only ... -

Spanish author. Enrique García Jordá. And seriously, you have confidence in an article that uses "embryonary" instead of the correct English "embryonic"?

25 Jan 2008 ... Multipotent adult progenitor stem cells extracted from bone marrow, ... The interest of the research lies in that the trunk cells analysed ... - 57k -

Source: Egoitz Etxebeste
Elhuyar Fundazioa
Basque Spanish authors quoting Spanish research paper.

They are the trunk or the stem from which the branches (different cell types) ... Even boosters of embryonic stem cell research have conceded that stem cell ... - 23k -

"Trunk" is being used here to illustrate what stem cells are. We don't talk about "trunk cells" in English when we mean stem cells.

Note added at 2 hrs (2009-02-22 16:22:09 GMT)

From the source text:
Il risultato arriva sei mesi dopo aver vinto la battaglia contro i settori conservatori che s'opponevano a quest'esperienza, quando il Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) si e' pronunciato a favore della ricerca con cellule troncali embrionali umane.

This is clearly referring to human embryonic stem cell research in general.

Note added at 2 hrs (2009-02-22 16:27:12 GMT)

For those who can read Portuguese:
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Mirra_ : weird portoguese but eventually I solved the enigma! ;Délulas_tronco and just click the English version and.... :)
1 hr
Ciao Mirra, have a look at what Asker is translating. This is clearly referring to stem cells in general, not cells from the trunk of the embryo./grazie Mirra :-)
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1 hr

le cellule staminali del tronco embrionale....

We studied the behavior of myogenic progenitors from donor desmin+/- LacZ embryos after implantation into tibialis anterior muscle of 2-month-old mouse hosts. Myogenic progenitors were collected from 10-day post-coital mouse embryo somite dermomyotomes (DMs), forelimb buds (LBs), and trunks
(this is also the 8th reference posted by Panagiotis)


In this class we will follow the path of oxygenated blood through the embryo then look at the passage of venous blood through the cardinal veins. At this stage of development the embryo trunk consists mainly of heart, liver and embryonic kidney.

Note added at 2 hrs (2009-02-22 16:26:14 GMT)

Dear Sue,

I answer you here (hoping you read this :) since I have no more space in the p.c. section.
I asked for clarification and I hope that, with more context, we will be able to understand precisely what is this 'trunk' we're dealing with :))

Note added at 2 hrs (2009-02-22 16:35:44 GMT)

ah ehhhhh as usual the answer lies in... :)

" Trunk neural crest
The trunk neural crest lies between the vagal and sacral neural crest and gives rise to two groups of cells. One group migrates dorsolateral and populates the skin, forming pigment cells and the other migrates ventrolateral through the anterior sclerotome to become the epinephrine-producing cells of the adrenal gland and the neurons of the sympathetic nervous system. Some cells remain in the sclerotome to form the dorsal root ganglia
Other Migration Locations:
Proximal to the spinal cord and line up symmetrically to form the dorsal root ganglia.
Into the skin to form melanocytes and Merkel cells.
Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla.
Near the vertebral column and become sympathetic chain ganglia. "

not to be confused with the cells coming from the nerve trunk!!"nerve t...

Note added at 4 hrs (2009-02-22 19:03:59 GMT)

and it explains well the anture of the different trunk cells :))

Note added at 4 hrs (2009-02-22 19:05:43 GMT)

here it is:

The cardiologia and the restoration of nervous linkings are very distant areas between itself in the medicine, but the two treatments that happen in Brazil have a common characteristic. They are made to the base of the most special type of cell, the calls cell-trunk. They are primitive, virgin cells, that they have the potential of if transforming into other types of cells a time diverse that are inside of the organism. For example, they can exactly be the cells of that a sick person of the heart, or a paraplégico, is needing.

The biologist Radovan Borojevic, who is titular professor of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, works with cell-trunk since that they had another name. In 68, then the young doctor for the University of Paris called them?células-mother. moment?Nesse I did not have the lesser idea of that this could be used one day for therapies, it remembers the biologist.

Two main types of cell-trunk exist. Type 1 is the cell-trunk embryonic, that, as the name says, they exist in the embryos. The days pass and the cell-trunk goes if differentiating, that is, if they transform into some fabrics of that new organism. Type 2 is the cell-trunk of the adults, who if hide in the óssea marrow, inside of the bones. Nobody gave much ball for them. series of discoveries practically simultaneous in some laboratories in world, that they had shown that the cells in the óssea marrow of the adult individuals have the regeneration capacity and have the capacity to restore the injuries, to regenerate the injuries in all the fabrics, as the liver, the brain, the spinal marrow, esquelético muscle and cardiac muscle, Borojevic explains.
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