Feb 16, 2009 17:35
15 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Tech/Engineering Medical: Instruments
La lamina elicoidale che costituisce le spire è provvista di fissurazioni longitudinali..etc etc..

Oggetto: viti implantari


Proposed translations

13 mins


the helicoidal blade that makes up the spiral....
Peer comment(s):

agree wordgirl
2 mins
agree Lionel_M (X) :
9 mins
agree Mirra_ : be' la mi ainterpretazione del resto del testo è diverso ma... formalmente tu sei stato il primo a dire 'blade' :))
43 mins
agree ARS54
1 hr
agree Peter Cox
15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Molte grazie. La cosa buffa è che avevo già tradotto con blade ma non mi convinceva.. :)"
17 mins
Italian term (edited): lamina elicoidale

helicoidal surface

Interesting image here

Results 1 - 10 of about 141,000 for screw thread helicoidal surface. (0.29 seconds)
Search Results

The Essentials of Descriptive Geometry - Google Books Result
by Frederick Goodson Higbee - 1917 - Geometry, Descriptive - 218 pages
131 shows a plan and elevation of an oblique helicoidal surface in the form of a screw thread. Fig. 132 shows a right helicoidal surface ...
CIPO - Patent - 1260210
A helical ball screw thread is machined on the outer cylindrical surface, the helical ball screw thread having a helical groove and a helical crest surface. ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
by MA MILLER - 1984
Joint construction between components of military projectile and ...
said substantially helical screw thread groove formed in said external cylindrical surface being an external screw thread groove confronting said internal ... - Similar pages
Screw thread fuel slinger - Patent 3921393
A triple lead screw thread 66 is cut into the radially inwardly facing surface 68 of radially outer portion 60. Each helical groove of screw thread 66 opens ... - Similar pages
by EATON CORP - 1975 - Cited by 2 - Related articles - All 2 versions
Draw 3D Screw Threads - Cadalyst
Benny (no last name supplied) e-mailed a request to draw 3D screw threads in AutoCAD. HELIX.LSP creates a helical screw thread in the form of a surface ... - 74k - Cached - Similar pages
Rhino Tech Tips: Modeling screw threads (2 of 2)
Learn how to model screw threads using helical curves and booleans in Rhino. ... Try the "Pull" command to pull the helical curve to the surface of your ... - 76k - Cached - Similar pages
Note from asker:
Thank you David
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56 mins

(helical) blade (which form the threads )

be' sembra proprio il tuo testo
l'unico dubbio è che tu lo stia ritraducendo )e allora significherebbe che magari uesta mia proposta era già stata giudicata sbagliata) non so...
però pensavo che comunque fosse utile segnalartelo :)

La lamina elicoidale che forma le spire presenta alcune fissurazioni longitudinali a forma di scalpello che, incidendo chirurgicamente l’osso, ne asportano piccoli frammenti senza comprimere e in particolare permette di creare realmente una madrevite eliminando il maschiatore, previsto per ogni altro tipo di vite (fig.3).

The screws for the "tuber" area as an elongated tip which extends to a length of 35 mm. and has threads with a 5,5 mm. The helical blade which form the threads presents some scalpel fixtures which, when making a surgical bone incision, remove small fragments without compression and, in particular, permit the creation of a female screw eliminating a screw tap, necessary for every other type of screw (fig. 3).
Note from asker:
Grazie :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr Lofthouse : Si
17 mins
grazie molte! :))
Something went wrong...
1 hr

(spiral) blade

spiral blade forming (or which forms) the thread...

Results: In nail SS, the proximally directed oblique locking screw came into contact with the ascending branch of the axillary nerve in 6 of 10 specimens. Mean distance from spiral blades in nails SS and SL were 26 mm to the axillary nerve and 16 mm to its ascending branch. Interlocking screws for nails SZ, SN, and SL did not violate the axillary nerve or its branches in any specimen.
Mots-clés anglais / English Keywords
Traumatology ; Orthopedics ; Blade ; Spiral ; Implant ; Insertion ; Nail(anatomy) ; Nail ; Humerus ; Nerve ; Axillary ; Screw ; Locking ; Proximal

Fixation principles in metaphyseal bone—a patent based review
of a new fixation principle or a new implant. Instead, .... a multi-pitch thread at the tip of the head component. Rotation of ... Before the introduction of the spiral blade, the use of ... fixation to the shaft of the long bone. The blade plate ... 5 Intramedullary rod with alternative blade forms for the ... - Similar pages
by R Curtis - 2005 -

Note added at 4 hrs (2009-02-16 21:56:52 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- - Home
a) Spiral implants were the best possible form to use since by virtue of their ... The Spiral thread (blades) of the implant, projects approximately one ... - 17k

In order to solve these problems particular implants have been developed that ... seated the bone anchoring element (e.g. bone screw, blade, spiral blade, ... of the bone implant, e.g. in the form of a screw thread or slot for a blade. ... - 28k -

Note added at 7 days (2009-02-23 18:25:46 GMT) Post-grading

Note from asker:
Thanks a lot Rachel for all the links
Peer comment(s):

agree ARS54 : ...también...
10 mins
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Reference comments

1 hr

in case it's of use

Results: In nail SS, the proximally directed oblique locking screw came into contact with the ascending branch of the axillary nerve in 6 of 10 specimens. Mean distance from spiral blades in nails SS and SL were 26 mm to the axillary nerve and 16 mm to its ascending branch. Interlocking screws for nails SZ, SN, and SL did not violate the axillary nerve or its branches in any specimen.

Mots-clés anglais / English Keywords
Traumatology ; Orthopedics ; Blade ; Spiral ; Implant ; Insertion ; Nail(anatomy) ; Nail ; Humerus ; Nerve ; Axillary ; Screw ; Locking ; Proximal ;
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree ARS54
28 mins
Thank you ARS54:-)
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