Swedish-English Translator looking for mentor

Detalhes da Publicação
Solicitação - Tutoria
De: Claire Ruaro
Publicado em:Aug 23, 2012
Localização: Helsinki

I've recently finished my degree in Swedish, and am looking for some guidance about getting into the world of freelance translation. I'm originally from England, but am currently living in Helsinki, Finland, where I'm the Swedish-speaking translation intern at FILI (Finnish Literature Exchange), a part of SKS (Suomen Kirjallisuuden Seura/Finnish Literary Society). Whilst this is fairly specific I am interested in finding out about and getting experience in all fields of translation.
I work 8.30-16.00 Mon-Fri Finnish time (UK+2hrs) but am free all other times including weekends, and am still contactable to some degree during working hours.



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