Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

затраты на изготовление

English translation:

actual costs of reproduction

Added to glossary by Vladimir Dubisskiy
Nov 11, 2003 20:45
20 yrs ago
Russian term

затраты на изготовление

Russian to English Bus/Financial
Плата, взимаемая Обществом за предоставление копий запрашиваемых документов, не может превышать затраты на их изготовление. (may not exceed their[re]production cost?}

Proposed translations

32 mins
Russian term (edited): ������ �� ������������

below, please

A fee collected by a Society to provide copies of the requested documents may not exceed the actual costs of its reproduction.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Alexander Demyanov : "its"?
5 mins
if 'document'
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot, but: 1) the Company and 2)... their reproduction."
8 mins

production costs

Сейчас как раз по этой теме работаю - там именно так, только COSTS - plural
Peer comment(s):

agree Jack Doughty
14 mins
agree Tatiana Nero (X)
19 mins
agree Jolanta Schimenti
20 mins
agree Irene N
25 mins
agree Evgeny Filimonov (X)
26 mins
disagree Irene Chernenko : Lawyers charge a fee for document copies - but they never call it "production costs".
30 mins
agree szilard
50 mins
agree Oxana Shahtarina
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
19 mins

Payment .... to provide copies of requested documents may not exceed the cost of reproducing those d

Payment .... to provide copies of requested documents may not exceed the cost of reproducing those documents

or "may not exceed costs to prepare the copies."
Peer comment(s):

agree Irene Chernenko : Yes, absolutely - I think it is quite ridiculous to talk about the "production costs" of document copies!
17 mins
agree Yuri Geifman : agree with Irene, too
32 mins
agree Mark Vaintroub
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
42 mins
Russian term (edited): ������ �� ������������

copying costs

Odin burokrat ne mog napisat' "stoimost' kopirovania" ili "rashody (zatraty) na kopirovanie", nuzno bylo obyazatel'no napisat' "zatraty na izgotovlenie". Horosho chto ne "obschie zatraty na materialy, amortizatziu oborudovania i zarabotnuyu platu i prochie rashody na rabotnikov, zanyatyh na proizvodstve kopij".

Peer comment(s):

agree Margarita
1 hr
agree nrabate
1 hr
agree Natalia Olshanskaya Robinson
3 hrs
agree Sergey Gorelik
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

Cost of their preparation/ expenditures connected with preparation of...


Note added at 2003-11-11 21:52:11 (GMT)

Peer comment(s):

agree JoeYeckley (X)
8 hrs
thank you
Something went wrong...
7 hrs
Russian term (edited): ������ �� ������������

здесь: printing costs

как вариант: printing and binding costs (если требуется переплет).

Мне кажется, copying не подходит в том случае, когда копии печатаются с электронного оригинала. Printing costs более универсальный термин.
Peer comment(s):

agree Volodymyr Tsapko (X)
3 hrs
agree Sveta Elfic : можно добавить preparation, если необходимы печати, нотариальное заверение и мало ли что еще
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
12 hrs
Russian term (edited): ������ �� ������������

costs related to making those copies

Я бы именно так и написал с уточнением "those copies" для 100% ясности
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