International Translation Day 2024

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Translation glossary: Medizinische Abkürzungen

Showing entries 1-42 of 42
art. Katheter (arteriell Katheter)catetere arterioso 
German to Italian
b. Bed. (bei Bedarf)in caso di bisogno 
German to Italian
BDK (Bauchdauerkatheter)catetere addominale permanente 
German to Italian
BKS (Blutkörperchensenkung)riduzione dei globuli del sangue 
German to Italian
btl. (Beutel)bustina 
German to Italian
BZ (Blutzucker)glicemia 
German to Italian
CCT (Craniale Computer Tomographie)TAC Cranio (Tomografia Computerizzata del Cranio) 
German to Italian
CIN (zervikale intraepitheliale Neoplasie)neoplasia intraepiteliale cervicale (o della cervice uterina) (CIN) 
German to Italian
COR bds. auslösbar(zerviko-okulärer Reflex) Riflessi cervico-oculari rilevabili in ambo le direzioni 
German to Italian
CRP (C-reaktives Protein)proteina C reattiva 
German to Italian
CT (Computer Tomographie)Tomografia Computerizzata 
German to Italian
D (Diagnostik erforderlich)diagnostica necessaria 
German to Italian
DD (Differenzialdiagnose)diagnosi differenziale 
German to Italian
DMS o.b.Durchblutung, Motorik und Sensibilität - ohne Befund 
German to Italian
DNS (Desoxyribonukleinsäure)acido desossiribonucleico 
German to Italian
EEG (Elektroenzephalogramm)elettroencefalogramma 
German to Italian
FT (freies Thyroxin)tiroxina libera 
German to Italian
HKT (Hämatokrit)ematocrito 
German to Italian
HSV (Herpes simplex- Virus)virus Herpes simplex 
German to Italian
LR(Lichtreflex): riflesso fotomotore 
German to Italian
MEPS (Means Ends Problem Solving Task)esercizio di problem solving dei mezzi e dei fini 
German to Italian
MSmultiple Sklerose 
German to Italian
MS (Magensonde)sonda gastrica 
German to Italian
MT (Muskeltonus)tono muscolare 
German to Italian
o.b.B.ohne besonderen Befund 
German to Italian
OCR(okulozephaler Reflex): riflesso oculocefalico 
German to Italian
PMR bds. pos.Palmomentalreflex: riflessi palmomentali positivi da entrambi i lati 
German to Italian
SDH (Subduralhämatom)ematoma subdurale 
German to Italian
SEP (Somatosensibel evozierte Potenziale)potenziali somatosensoriali evocati 
German to Italian
ST (Selbsttherapie)terapia domiciliare 
German to Italian
Tbl. (Tablette)compresse 
German to Italian
TEBK (totale Eisenbildungskapazität)capacità totale di legame del ferro (TIBC) 
German to Italian
TIA (transitorische ischämische Attacke)attacco ischemico transitorio 
German to Italian
TK (Totalkapazität)capacità polmonare totale 
German to Italian
Trp (tropfen)gocce 
German to Italian
TSS (toxisches Schocksyndromsindrome da shock tossico 
German to Italian
U-bakt. (Urin-Bakteriologisch)esame batteriologico delle urine 
German to Italian
VEP (Visive Evozierte Potenziale)potenziali evocati visivi 
German to Italian
WK (Wochenkost)dieta della settimana 
German to Italian
Z.n.Zustand nach (postumi) 
German to Italian
ZNS (Zentralnervensystem)sistema nervoso centrale 
German to Italian
ZVD (zentraler Venendruck)pressione venosa centrale 
German to Italian
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